Hasho in Orbit!

Sean & Charlie Kady Season 1 Episode 15

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Have you ever wondered about the intricate process of hash making or how to navigate branding in the nascent cannabis industry? Meet our friend and guest, Mike "el Hasho" Imposimato , who not only shares a mutual bond of fatherhood and Italian roots with us, but is also a creative force in hash making, clothing design, and charity work. His story is one of ingenuity, perseverance, and community.

Hasho gives us an insider's look into the ever-evolving world of cannabis, discussing the future of brands, the complexities of strain commercialization, and the public perception's double-edged sword. He articulates the art and science behind hash making, from the necessity of collaboration between the hashmaker and grower to the crucial role storage plays in maintaining quality.  Hasho also provides valuable insights into the latest cutting edge - washed and cured Piatella and highlights the significance of traditional curing methods and the challenges of commercialization. 

As our conversation unwraps, we hear about Mike's inspiring charity work with Sarah Soldiers, a testament to his personal determination to make a difference in the face of family adversity. We delve into the story behind his Anti-Solvent, Solventless Club clothing line and its influence on his hash-image. More than just a discussion on cannabis, this episode is a testament to the resilience, innovation, and the spirit of community. So, come join us on this insightful journey into the highs, lows, and everything in between in the world of cannabis. Don't miss this chance to gain knowledge, be inspired, and maybe pick up a few hash making tips along the way.

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ISean Kady:
I'm Sean Kady.

Charlie Kady:
And I'm Charlie.

Sean Kady:
And this is HigherOrbit.
Tonight, I got a very special guest, a big friend of mine. He is... It's hard to put into words what he is. He's a man of many, many trades and facets.

Charlie Kady:
Hash maker.

Sean Kady:
Hash maker, clothing designer.

Charlie Kady:

Sean Kady:
A father.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
That's a pretty big one.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That's the big one.

Sean Kady:
That's something we bonded over. A husband.

Charlie Kady:
Yeah, that's also a big one too, man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
A long time husband.

Sean Kady:
A skateboard sales guru, I'm going to say. The guy who brought the-

Charlie Kady:

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:

Charlie Kady:
Artist. Forgot about that one.

Sean Kady:
We keep rolling.

Charlie Kady:
Hell yeah.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
This is going to be a podcast about my resume.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, but man, it's really a pleasure to have you, Mike.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's a pleasure to be here.

Sean Kady:
Mike Imposado.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There you go.

Sean Kady:
Sorry, I forgot to ask you that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's okay, we'll fight after.

Sean Kady:
El hasho is what everybody knows you as. I would say Padrino Hasho.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There you go.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
Yeah, man. Welcome to HigherOrbit.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm really happy to be here.

Sean Kady:
You actually wanted to be here. You're the first person to ever bring us food too, so I got to show you up for that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Am I?

Sean Kady:
You were. It was very Italian, you brought some pizzas. I love that.

Charlie Kady:
You're our first guest in all our episodes.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You know who else said that? Excelsia from bowls and beets. I brought her Portuguese, I forget what those are called, I don't want to disrespect the Portuguese.

Sean Kady:
Tartars are bomb.

Charlie Kady:
Those are so good.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And cannolis and stuff. And she's like, "You're the only guest that ever brought anything?" I'm like, "Really?"

Sean Kady:
Yeah, boss move. I think it's a boss move, man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Appreciate that.

Charlie Kady:
I don't know, Italian two roots. So, awesome. We're going to get into that later. I guess. Where do we start man? I kind of feel like there's a lot we could jump into, I think where did we meet? We met a couple of years ago.

Sean Kady:
Oh, you have that story, it's too funny.

Charlie Kady:
Well, high variety.

Sean Kady:
High variety.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Do we get into that story?

Sean Kady:
I think so. I think it's pretty hook and hilarious.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm here, I'm down.

Charlie Kady:
I wish we knew the context.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I wish I knew the context.

Sean Kady:
I think I remember. I think it was a story and I was jumping, I was trying to pile on and be like, you were not bitching, I hate to say this-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I was?

Sean Kady:
No, I don't, bitching is a bad word, but you calling, maybe you were calling someone out. You're having your two cent-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
On somebody else's post.

Charlie Kady:
On Instagram, on somebody's post. And I remember just responding to your story and sending you a clown emoji and I thought I was trying to be like, "I'm piling on. I'm with you, Mike. Fuck these guys, Mike, those clowns". And you responded with the mirror and the clown and your look in the mirror buddy. And I just died and I told my brother-

Sean Kady:
I snorted. I was actually crying. Yeah.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Hey, listen, I'm going to tell you something. I am a lot of things right? I'm a hash maker. I'm a father. I own a charity.

Sean Kady:
We forgot about that. We'll get into that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
[inaudible] soldiers, fuck MS. I don't know. Can we swear? Can we curse?

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
All right, fuck MS. Clothing designer, kid that grew up in Ontario housing, Kipling and Dixon, small white kid, very reactive, very emotional. And I'm the last person who's worried about losing a fight. I'm not going to back down.

Sean Kady:
No I love that man. You wear your heart on your shoulder.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I apologise that I wear my heart right there-

Sean Kady:
On your sleeve rather.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And I'm sorry for being so reactive and overreacting because you are a lovely person and I'm so glad that we're friends.

Charlie Kady:
It's very Italian, speaking of the Italian thing, I love that.

Sean Kady:
It is, it's a very-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm sorry, bro. I took it the wrong way and I was like, "Hey, fuck you too"

Sean Kady:
I think when you become friends, that's all about those funny stories like that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Listen, shout out Cosmic Charlies.

Sean Kady:
Shout it out high variety, man, fuck and RIP to those good memories.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Rest in peace.

Sean Kady:
I just remember hanging out on the stoop with you, like roll it back. I remember smoking blunts with you on the stoop and really kind of bonding with you over fatherhood actually.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Congratulations by the way.

Sean Kady:
Thanks man. Yeah, he's going to be one next week. It's actually a week today. Is that crazy?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
Time flies. I remember coming over there and just being in the area, I wanted to come hi to you and Sam, what's up, but high variety and just feeling like you have a kid coming and you're not a parent yet and you're like, am I ready for this? What am I going to?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You're never ready.

Sean Kady:
I feel like you sensed that in me and you just were like, everything's fine, Sean. You're going to be a great dad.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
See, I'm not an asshole.

Sean Kady:
And that's exactly what I needed to hear that day and I just felt like, I don't know. It was great, man. Thanks for that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Hold on. I have a question.

Sean Kady:
You get to fire them off today. Yeah, that's what I was expecting.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Why were you intimidated by me?

Sean Kady:
That's a good question, man. I guess because-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Am I calling you out right now? Should I have mentioned that?

Sean Kady:
Because I opened a store on Green Street West and then it was like high variety opened and I was just intimidated by that and your whole persona and I flipped some bags and opened a store like a legacy guy, but I am not a hash maker and I'm not a bunch of other things. And I felt just intimidated where I was like a peer and I had a store beside you and we're kind of competitors and they didn't know you and I don't know why. It just-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I don't know. Listen I...

Sean Kady:
It always turned out to be respectful. We've always been homies really. Literally.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
For sure. Listen.

Sean Kady:
And I guess because I respected what you did and what you brought to the table and all the stores I'd heard.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's a double-sided sword. I've walked into situations not knowing how people felt about me or what their preconceived notion was. So it's hard for me being on the other side not knowing how to react to that being just your normal everyday fuck up dude. That kind of just was like, "look," here's the secret to what I did. I was like, "How much trouble am I really going to get in for doing this?" Everybody else was always like, don't call me on this number, don't talk on the phone. I'm like, "Bro, you sell fucking weed. Do you really think they're opening a case on you?" And look, in hindsight, a couple of those dudes, probably there was a couple cases, but the reality was 98% of the people and the reality was Instagram became an avenue to just-

Sean Kady:
Oh yeah, a million plugs at you all the time-

Charlie Kady:
But this is when you were making Hash?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Charlie Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So need to, do you want to start with the lineage?

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So anyways-

Sean Kady:
No. Well, where do you want to start?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Rest in peace, high variety because that shit was crazy. But we always had a hell of a lot of respect for you guys. A lot of love. Even Samantha, Mary Jane, Matt. Yeah. We would always send people to Cosmic Charlie's. I don't think a lot of people realised we were there under different circumstances. We knew what we were coming into. High variety was really a play. It was a 12 to 18 month, let's build the coolest dispensary in the country. You have the sunrises, you have the THCs, you have those, extremely legacy, crazy, beautiful human beings, shout out Robin, shout out Spencer. But they're on the West Coast keeping that legacy alive. And if I dare say high variety was a fucking vibe from the stoop-

Sean Kady:
Old school-

Charlie Kady:
You never knew who was going to be there too. That's what I always loved about going there too.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You never knew who was going to be there-

Charlie Kady:
Went to see whoever, but then you'd run into this other people and as a community hub is, and it happens to your sometimes.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And that's what we did. I had partners that understood they probably wasn't a golden apple at the end of this journey, but with the right personality, et cetera, the right building, the right time, everything's timing. I stayed away from the industry for so long on that side and look what happened, like ghost drops came in within months and that's a whole other story.

Sean Kady:
It is, and that's too bad too, man, because I felt like when we talked about Toronto and you said that West Coast scene, you talk about Toronto, there aren't that many destination places, but it was like Cookies, High Variety, Cosmic Charlie's, right? Maybe Dynasty, RIP Dynasty too.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Rest in peace.

Sean Kady:
But that was the strip on Queen West.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And for that six months of that 2022 season, fuck man, 20, 21 sorry, that July to whatever, it was fucking dope.

Sean Kady:
It was, man. A lot of really cool events happen at all these places too, and I think it just sucks. It just shows you what the industry do. Do you miss working around it? I mean I'm sure you still do, I don't know if you're making hash or anything, but on the legal side, do you miss being kind of involved in that or...

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Absolutely not.

Sean Kady:
I had a feeling you were going to say that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Absolutely not. Remember I just said timing is everything. I just don't think the industry's ready for somebody like me yet. I think the industry started in a bad place in terms of, okay, we could talk about legislation and parameters all day and how many cameras you used for that-

Sean Kady:
And strong from the get go.

Charlie Kady:
What do you mean someone like you? I got to ask you that one.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
What do you mean?

Charlie Kady:
Well, you're like, if they weren't ready for someone like you. Yeah,

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I mean, okay, someone like me in terms of, so everything I've done, even in skateboarding, my first ever business, registered business in the country, I was 17, I started a company called Empire Skateboards. It got picked up by West 49. It kind of blew up really quick. Yeah, yeah. It was dope. So I saw the potential really early of like, yo, you can do on your own. You can force respect in an industry where you don't deserve it or you don't have the legacy. But then with skateboarding, I was in it for 20 years and then straight into Hash and I totally forget what we were talking about.

Sean Kady:
No, that's going to happen. That's going to happen.

Charlie Kady:
That's going to happen to me.

Sean Kady:
But I feel like we're talk about skateboarding and weed. I feel like that makes sense because those go hand in hand. Were you making Hash when you were doing the skateboarding thing or when did that transition? Let's talk about the transition.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The transition was like 08, 09.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And it was the first time-

Sean Kady:
What was that?

Charlie Kady:
They naturally go the first time.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So that's skateboarding, right? Every city you go to, you have, let's say Montreal, you're going there, you're being shown around by the homies that are in that city or Vancouver or Edmonton or whatever it is. So when you go to Cali, it's the same thing. You have your plugs there, you have your friends there, and then they start introducing you to Shatter or Hash and what is that?

Charlie Kady:

Sean Kady:
What is that?

Charlie Kady:
Some pink?

Sean Kady:
Pinky in the brain? No, no. Well anyway, some sort of pink. Pink paralyzer.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's illegal?

Sean Kady:
That's Ricardo? Yeah. Oh yeah.

Charlie Kady:
Some sort of legacy, something illegal.

Sean Kady:
Smaller grower. Yes.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Oh, okay.

Sean Kady:
That's all right.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We'll check it out. We'll smoke it at break.

Sean Kady:
We also have a jar of upside down cake.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah, we'll open that.

Sean Kady:
We'll open that and get some opinions on that. You want to do that now?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Why not? That's okay.

Sean Kady:
Let's do it. We were talking, Mike was talking about Hash, I think, not Hash-

Charlie Kady:
08, 09-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
08, 09.

Charlie Kady:
08, 09 skateboarding. And then you're like-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So a hotel room in San Diego changed everything basically.

Sean Kady:
Okay, let's hear about that story. I like that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I mean the same dude that I was getting weed off of every time I was there for a thing called ASR and Magic, and...

Charlie Kady:
I just like that kind of weed. I like term. It's not perfect. I haven't looked at it yet. I just smelled it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
[inaudible] in a fucking bag.

Sean Kady:
I hate out. Take it out. You don't those either.

Charlie Kady:
How does it feel? I didn't squeeze it.

Sean Kady:
Good weed doesn't need a [inaudible] right Mike? You agree on that? If you just do it properly, not your turf.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No, not at all. No, that's lemon pledge.

Sean Kady:
Oh no.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Super heavy though. What?

Sean Kady:
It does have something, but that's pledge.

Charlie Kady:
A little bit of lemon pledge vibe. It's the haze. The haze.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Okay a haze.

Charlie Kady:
No, it's lemony.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's pledgey.

Charlie Kady:

Sean Kady:
It looks okay, but I hear you.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Very pledgey.

Sean Kady:
Very pledgey.

Charlie Kady:
That's strange-

Sean Kady:
The strangest work for me.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Sunday morning, my mom's pledging the wood table.

Sean Kady:
Reminiscent of jack error to me kind of in a alive actually.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah. Another thing, I won't smoke.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, Jack?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm just not that guy. It's just not my thing. Nope.

Sean Kady:
All right, well we'll check that-

Charlie Kady:
Okay, so that's what originally I asked you if you enjoyed being around the legal market.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Oh shit.

Charlie Kady:
Then we kicked it back to-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No, I don't. And yeah, so it's one of those things where it's like I'm super happy to be out of the industry that exists right now, but I'm super happy to see where it's going.

Sean Kady:
Yeah. What do you want to see change, I guess, to maybe come back?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I just want to see brands have some more power. I just want branding to take over.

Sean Kady:
And solidify a bit?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I mean you could take the perspective of like, okay, but if everybody sticks it out right now and it's like okay, but who's everybody though? You just have a bunch of made up stories right now.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, it is tough, man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
But go ahead, here's my question to you guys, who's everybody? Who are the brands that could stick it out? Be a hundred percent honest, you're a retailer.

Sean Kady:
Like ones that are making it right now? That could?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Who in five years could have a cult following?

Charlie Kady:
We'll still be around?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah. Who could have a cult following?

Sean Kady:
I would say yeah, Frost Cannabis, Carmel maybe-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
Maybe, they still do, they're kind of falling off right now though, I'm not going to lie a little bit.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Somebody at Carmel needs to fucking grow some good weed.

Sean Kady:
Fair enough.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Oh my god.

Sean Kady:
I had a feeling you'd have that opinion.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Because I buy it. So listen, anything I say-

Sean Kady:
Well, we check in on it too. We check in on it too.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
How good is it? Tell me. 50 bucks a bag. Tell me, go ahead.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, if I'm being honest-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No, no, you guys have the floor, please.

Sean Kady:
No, it is deteriorated a little bit.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That's a nice word. What's that? Three syllables deteriorated. That's a good one.

Sean Kady:
It's definitely, I was not as excited about the new ones. The case smores are-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You guys are so good at this.

Sean Kady:
Polite? We are really good at being politically correct?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You're so good at this. The weed sucks. The people at Carmel are awesome. This isn't a personal thing. Your families are fantastic. I hope you guys make millions of dollars. Just fucking grow some better weeded.

Charlie Kady:
Okay, well-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Cure it properly-

Charlie Kady:
To the point, maybe they have enough of a stand to maybe turn it around and they do have the brand, right? And then you asked me what brand-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Go ahead, keep going.

Charlie Kady:
And their brand is-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'll give you Carmel so far.

Charlie Kady:
Their brand is still sick and you have to agree, the weeds got to get better, but the brand is good.

Sean Kady:
Have a space to exist.

Charlie Kady:
Right Mike?

Sean Kady:
Has a space to exist and people, they do have a following and animal face will always be their little-

Charlie Kady:
Their little thing in the legal market.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Please don't rest your laurels on a strain in a society where people do this.

Sean Kady:
And change all the time.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
For fucking hours a day.

Sean Kady:
For those not on video-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You think you're relevant for more than this?

Charlie Kady:
He's scrolling, Mike is scrolling.

Sean Kady:
I love it man.

Charlie Kady:
No you're right.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You have a conversation with somebody.

Charlie Kady:
Other brands I would say simply [inaudible] they've been doing some good stuff. Did you try the [inaudible] rolls? Have we tried that [inaudible]? We should smoke one of those.

Sean Kady:
Do we think-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I haven't.

Sean Kady:
Do we think Black Market? Will they stick around? They've been around for a while too.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Let ask you a question about Black Market. If Black market didn't have good weed, what is memorable about that brand? And now this is going to turn into, oh, I told you this guy sucks, and he's so fucking bitter. I'm just being, listen-

Sean Kady:
No be real.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I bought Black Market. You owe me money.

Sean Kady:
They owe you a refund?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
They owe me a huge, I can off camera tell you all the retailers that can give you all the receipts. I probably bought over a hundred jars. And this year in 2023, at least 40 to 50 of the half ounces, I have all the jars at home. I can tell you how it deteriorated. I can show you, this isn't somebody that tried it once and he has this huge opinion.

Sean Kady:
Do you think a hundred percent-

Charlie Kady:

Sean Kady:
I have a question for you. Can I just steal on that note? Is that just what happens and you commercialise any strain though and pump it to the degree that people are trying to, to supply all of Canada?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Why don't you just pull the bad batches and put them in pre-rolls?

Sean Kady:
I like that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Why don't you just defer the product?

Sean Kady:
You're like have to tighten up your QA straight up.

Charlie Kady:
Well what about these dry pre-rolls that keep coming and it's just like, I don't know. The same issue happens in this other, you're like whatever you're buying pre-rolls-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Here's the thing about a consumer product, right? Everybody wants something for nothing.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, a hundred percent. They don't have to be like fire.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I mean, I don't think I can give you an example in your life where, there's just certain people who are never going to be happy.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
They want-

Sean Kady:
I T H C low price, bro.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah, $50 is this, "How could you charge $50 for an eighth of weed? How could you charge 60? That's fucking crazy. Do you know you can't even not buy an eighth of weed in the United States for $60 and it's garbage at $60. You want anything good? You want to talk about Blue Sushi? You want to talk about Elephant's Growth? You want to talk about all these things that I post on my Instagram and everybody's like, yo bro, Elephant's Growth is 1200 US dollars an ounce. Blue Sushi is a hundred dollars an eighth.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
US. Now, are they good? Oh, don't bang, [inaudible] stop banging [inaudible].

Sean Kady:
They're not-

Charlie Kady:
They're good.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
They're fire.

Charlie Kady:
They're good. But are they hundred dollars a quarter? What you said, half quarter?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'll say that to have access to that calibre of flour, outside of the country, on demand for a hundred dollars an eighth, 80, depending on who you are, that's life. I think that's hella fair.

Sean Kady:
And you are not going to be disappointed. You know that you open that-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No, you're going to brag about it, you are the fucking man, all your friends are, "How'd you get that?" You get your clout points for the week.

Sean Kady:
Did you smell that?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Which one's this?

Sean Kady:
This is that paralyzer.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The pink one?

Sean Kady:
You shake it up. Tastes all right.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I like that other one better, the one in the white jar.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, me too. The Gary Satan.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Gary Satan.

Charlie Kady:
We'll roll some of that too. Why not?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
But yeah, no, it's definitely worth it and Canada just needs to catch up. But they are, and see-

Sean Kady:
We're in a good position though.

Charlie Kady:
What are brands, quickly before we go, you asked me what brands you think are testing time, so just finish off with that, we said Black Market, Carmel-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I don't put Black Market on that list though.

Charlie Kady:
Simply Bear, fair enough.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And Simply Bear can't be on that list either. What's their branding? It's a-

Sean Kady:
They're certified organic that carries-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Hold up, hold up, hold up.

Sean Kady:
That carries some weight.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
When you think about the top brands in the world, what do you think about? Who do you think of?

Sean Kady:
Period in the world?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Period in the world.

Sean Kady:
Well, I guess like you said, probably Tenco and they make a lot of waves with the blue sushi and the-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
What do you think of when you think of Tenco? Blue Sushi?

Sean Kady:
I think of-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You think of their branding, you think of their imagery.

Sean Kady:
I think of a sushi being at a sushi shop.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So what do you think of when you think of Simply Bear?

Sean Kady:
True. I think of the BC Valley-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
A brown jar with white lettering. Cool. What do you think of when you think of Black Market? A black jar with white lettering. Cool.

Sean Kady:
Do you know what's funny though?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Who's Black Market?

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The owner of Black Market could be the president of Starbucks for all we know.

Sean Kady:
You don't-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's no actual branding. It's a T H C logo and white lettering.

Sean Kady:
I have a question for you then. I know that made me realise it just being named Black Market in my head.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
If they stop making good product, who cares tomorrow? Think about this, the most powerful industries in the world, cultural leaders. Cultural leaders develop themselves out of the most pathetic small industries that people used to shit on. Skateboarding, clothing, graffiti. Banksy is what it sells millions of dollars per piece. Okay. Cookies is burner.

Sean Kady:
They've had it tough though in Canada.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Ovio is Drake. That owl is Drake. It's nothing without him. It dies tomorrow. Cookies, Burner Leaves, that place is worth nothing. What is it? It's a blue symbol with white font.

Sean Kady:
So are you saying that no brand will last?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Every powerful brand is a powerful person. They have to have something. What do they stand for? What does Black Market stand for? They have a charity. What's their mission statement? Who are they? Who are they? Who are they, other than a good weed. You guys are a great weed. I'm playing devil's advocate, if you want to be super sensitive right now, hate me all you want, cool. Write in to the show, tell them never to have me back on.

Sean Kady:
You're like, no Canadian brands have to test the time right now for you?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
None. You're like zero.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Who are they? Tell me. Sunrise Cannabis, T H C-

Sean Kady:
Love it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
El Hasho.

Sean Kady:
Love it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Pharaoh Farms.

Sean Kady:
Fair enough.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Astro pink. Now we're getting into Black Market.

Sean Kady:
Ooh, Astro Pink is well-known. Cosmic Charlie's, don't forget buddy.

Charlie Kady:
We'll be back.

Sean Kady:
We'll be right back with El Hasho.
Welcome back. The shop is closed.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The shop is closed.

Charlie Kady:
We're here with El Hasho. Yeah, Sean,-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We out here-

Charlie Kady:
We smoked one of those organic comatose 1964, rosin infused pre-rolls-

Sean Kady:
Quote unquote "45%"

Charlie Kady:
Quote unquote "Indeed" it tasted old, Mike said.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, he was like it tasted old as far as an infused pre-roll goes-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It tasted like dill pickle chips. Half of it went your mouth as soon as you pulled on it.

Sean Kady:
And you mean sour.

Charlie Kady:
Tasted a little sour?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I don't know, I've said this to people before and I get two reactions, I get "Yo, that's exactly," and then some people are like, "What the fuck are you talking- Dill pickle chips?? I don't know what it is, maybe I have a fucked up nose, but maybe you understand this, maybe you don't, but as weed gets old and it starts to break that yellowish fucking-

Charlie Kady:
Oh, that colour?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah. It turns into when you open a bag of dill pickle chip. So it reminds me of the exact same smell and it's like, you know that is fucking just ranting.

Charlie Kady:
Yeah, when it's turning, when its about to turn right?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah. And that's exactly what that joint tasted like, ranted. Who was that again? Let's shout them out. Who was that?

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Shout out 1964, that was terrible. Thanks.

Sean Kady:
It was organic, Mike. I'm joking. obviously

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No, listen, like we said-

Sean Kady:
Speaking of brands, they do pretty well. I mean I wanted to ask you-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Are you speaking from a retailer's perspective? Because I was once one.

Sean Kady:
Well, exactly right. I mean-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm right now answering as a smoker.

Sean Kady:
Brands don't really have much of a leg to stand on as far as what they can market and get out there. So I'm saying these are the brands anecdotally that we see as being pretty popular, having a following that could develop and could continue to persevere in the market.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Look, there's-

Sean Kady:
Which ones do you think?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Okay, there's the school of thought that you just promote, promote, promote, promote, brand build, brand build, brand build, brand build. Ghost drops.

Sean Kady:
I was about to ask you. You said zero and then you say formally of Ghost Drops.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The original question my dear friend-

Sean Kady:
I don't know what I was getting at with that, sorry.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Was I think something along the lines of can they withstand the test of time?
As of this moment, the point I'm trying to make is that Ghost Drops went the route of branding. They don't grow.

Sean Kady:
That's right. They want pure-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
They platform. They bring light to people who deserve it. They offer an outlet to people who want to make a transition. They're a platform. They are a platform in general. That's what organic, Travis, it's what he does best. It's what he knows best. He knows how to platform himself. He knows how to platform his friends. He knows how to shine light on people. Then there's the black markets who have no clue how to do that, but they're a doer. They do what's in that jar. So they're resting on their capability, they're resting on-

Sean Kady:
Hands, happy hands.

Charlie Kady:
To have something that's relevant in the market.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
They're a doer, like a Carmel. I shit on Carmel because I love what Carmel does. I love how they platform Drew. I love how they did cutouts of him in the store. They tried to, they sought relevance through a relevant person from a relevant timeframe and a relevant period and a relevant place who had a story because Carmel is a developed character.

Charlie Kady:
It's new, yeah.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So I appreciate what they did. I'm harsh on them because I think that their expanding has deteriorated their quality. So I'm harsh on the ones I love maybe.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, and let's be open to, you just want everybody to be better. We all want everybody to be better.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I just want everybody, yeah, like fuck.

Sean Kady:
We all want everyone to be better, we just want better weed, right?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
What was that? Let's touch on that.

Sean Kady:
That's tough, man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Who grew that?

Sean Kady:
You know what I remember too, dude, is I was so excited about that because we were friends and I was so fired up and I was so fucking excited. We were so excited, man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I appreciate that.

Sean Kady:
The pre-rolls and the bags in. But you remember it satin warehouse? Because remember the O C S, there was a [inaudible] they did you dirty on that too. Do you remember that?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That five weak delay because their system was hacked.

Sean Kady:
They did you dirty. Yes, and it was summer and it sat in that hot warehouse-

Charlie Kady:
We did smoke-

Sean Kady:
Mylar bags and I was like, oh no.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Why was it in a Mylar bag?

Sean Kady:
Why was it in the miler bag? Why was it in ghost drops jar? I might've done better, right? We don't need to get into that tonight.

Charlie Kady:
Live and learn.

Sean Kady:
Will they stand the test of time? You don't even need to answer that. I mean a brand, we invested in brand really too, and we're taking the slow and low painful growth, but it's-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
A lot of people ask me why I abandoned the High Variety branding.

Sean Kady:
Why did you?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The true story, you really want the true story? There was a lot of people's lives on the line and a lot of families, a lot of really strong individuals that I knew needed a platform that went on from High Variety and Ghost Drops to do amazing things. Like Samantha, who now runs TOC 10 locations.

Charlie Kady:
We love Sam.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
She took a lot of work to become the Sam that you guys know. It took a lot of tough, but I was able to give them that platform and we sat down as a staff and I was like, "Listen, I don't exist. This is your guy's store." I kind of did everything I was here to do. It's like a mother pigeon or some shit, like they push you out of the nest-

Sean Kady:
Did you put it to a vote, it was like a democracy?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No, it was kind of my word ruled everything. It was kind of Lord of the Flies, but they were in full control. Like Nate, Angelina, Sam, everybody.

Sean Kady:
Everyone was on board. Yeah.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It was beautiful, it was branded beautiful. But when it came down to it, Ghost Drops was a fucking rising star. That shit was on fire.

Sean Kady:
It was on Fuego, big time. I remember I was like, holy fuck, yeah.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So you're me-

Sean Kady:
People still ask for it.

Charlie Kady:
We carry it because we still were on Queen West and we carry that torch too. Yeah, why not? Why wouldn't we, right?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Why the fuck not? It's kind of your job to platform the people that are trying the hardest.

Sean Kady:
That's it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So I mean regardless, I had a relationship in the Black Market with Travis, super standup dude. When somebody comes to you and is like, "Hey, let's..." you know, there was obviously money involved and, like what the fuck?

Sean Kady:
We all want to make money, me and Charlie, that would be nice.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
How much can we dance around that. I didn't buy a Ferrari if anybody's wondering. I've heard some crazy stories, but at the time it would've been the dumbest thing in the world for me to be like, no, I'm not going to entertain this.

Sean Kady:
Of course not.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I had partners, I had employees. We were so young, we'd been in the Toronto Star, we'd been... That place got a lot of fucking attention really fast.

Sean Kady:
It was dope. If anything it brought more people into the area. So I thought it was sick. Honestly, I had nothing but love. I do know the way our industry was and it was weird. Like Hasho sold up, blah fuck.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Sold out of, what did I sell out of?

Sean Kady:
I'm like I'm pretty sure you's still looking for that bag.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I sold out when I started big in 2018. You're just jumping on the sellout train now, bitch I've been a sellout, fuck.

Charlie Kady:
He's doing. Yeah, no, it makes sense, man. I mean-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Sell out to... Who do I owe anything? Do we have callers on this show? Can we have somebody call in?

Charlie Kady:
That would be fun.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We should have people calling in just shitting on you.

Charlie Kady:
We could have someone next time.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It would be hilarious, the answers I would give them.

Charlie Kady:
Someone's talking shit to you.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Oh, it'd be amazing. Sell out to who? Are you my kid? Am I trying to send you to college?

Sean Kady:
We'll bring you back and do a live. There you go.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm good. What you want? I'm good.

Charlie Kady:
We'll bring you back and do a live. You know what I'm stuck on something. It was interesting that you detected the funky rosin and so I'm intrigued by all of the-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Oh, you mean in the pre-roll?

Charlie Kady:
Yes. I'm intrigued by all the infused. For instance, that's funky and I know a certain infused pre-roll that's very popular, all the fruity ones, I think that they smell and taste kind of like feet and fruit, which is weird.

Sean Kady:
You talking general admission now?

Charlie Kady:
Yeah, well it's like, well, back to brands that could succeed. I mean ultimately that's not a brand that I support or that you support, but isn't that crazy how many people love these things?

Sean Kady:
It makes me feel unwell and I think that that's interesting and I wonder, do you know about the science behind that? Is it bad?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I think the super simple answer is improper storage.

Charlie Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Charlie Kady:
All the way? Like that goes down to the bottom.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
In both categories, flower and hash.

Charlie Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
People don't understand how sensitive hash is. It can have a super long life. It can be super long depending on how you started it, where you finished it and where it stayed when finished. A lot of people are producing things with no agenda and having them around the warehouse or keeping them in the fucking safe storage or-

Sean Kady:
Storage is an afterthought when people are making these products, like these raws and pre-rolls are like-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And then you have these board of people that are like, oh, we have all this extra material. Oh, well I heard hashes popped. We can do a hash pre-roll, right? Three months we could be on-

Charlie Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The reality is it's a programme like anything else. You have your S O P for how you break down. You're never going to have a successful hash programme if you don't have a successful harvesting programme. Period.

Charlie Kady:
Specific to you making the hashish.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Boom. If the hash maker and grower aren't working together, you are literally just a company that makes tertiary products that involve hash. It's like I would imagine it like a chocolate company that had a mould break and now they're not squares. They've leaked into each other, but it's a great chocolate, so they crush it up and put it in ice cream. They're not just going to let it die. The difference is that you have these talented chocolatiers that react in the situation and make a product in the situation. What we have is a bunch of people in a new industry being thrown into jobs because they're willing to accept a pay structure. I get all the time. Why aren't you doing anything?

Charlie Kady:
Making hash?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Here's the answer, I don't do shit for charity.

Sean Kady:
Fair enough.

Charlie Kady:
I don't do shit for charity other than Sarah's Soldiers.

Sean Kady:
Other than your charity, I was about to say, don't you have something to plug about that? Don't you have something to-

Charlie Kady:
We have a big plug. Well, we're giving away these puff co's I think -

Sean Kady:
Yeah, we're giving-

Charlie Kady:
[inaudible] and for also we're going to match huge, we're going to do a donation to Sarah's Soldier. I think every person that's... We're going to find a way to-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We're going to find a way to give them away.

Charlie Kady:
Yeah, we're going to give away these puff co's and we're going to give some money to Sarah Soldiers.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So everybody smashed the follow button and get ready. These are the new puff co's. Shout out Roger, shout out Chelsea, shout out everybody at puff co.

Charlie Kady:
These are amazing.

Sean Kady:
There you go.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
These ones are crazy. And I heard that if you get the XL chamber.

Sean Kady:
Oh that looks sick.

Charlie Kady:
That looks crazy.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I have firsthand knowledge from-

Sean Kady:
Dragon Clouds gone-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah, I was at Astor Club for NY, for seven 10. Just for July 10th, and I have the absolute blessing of having those gentlemen as friends, so it's never an issue to get into something even last minute. And everybody was there and it was whew.

Sean Kady:
Sweet party?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It was insanely filled, there were some famous people in the room. There was a Tricylics drop. Trike was there. He had a few flavours for sale. The line was four and a half hours long. So unfortunately I wasn't about to... Absolutely not. So I did have-

Charlie Kady:
Four and a half hours? Forget it.

Sean Kady:
You don't get hash maker love. You're like-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The love I got was like, I got to sit with him in a small group of people and sample his personal-

Sean Kady:
He's laughing about selling his thousand dollars jars.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No, I mean listen, the thing about him and Dammit Bobby, there's unicorns in the world and the thing about everybody asks about the states, is it that much better? Is everything that much better? Answer is no, it's not. There's a tonne of it.

Sean Kady:
There's more people there.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Their middle section is humongous. Their low section is humongous. Their top tier is extremely small because it's so hard to stand out in a group of, like that 80 percentile is hard to break. When you're a guy that...

Sean Kady:
Can really make hash.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So to stand out in the states the way Trike does, the way Professor Sift does, the way Dammit Bobby does, Dammit Bobby's a unicorn. If people don't know him-

Sean Kady:
These are like the guys that you look up to as a hash maker?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Unicorns. And I hesitate to say they don't do anything different than me or Van Span or Canadian Dabs or Heavenly Days, or I'm forgetting people, Pineapple Reserve or I haven't named one legal company yet. [inaudible] Labs. There's certain people in Canada that have the skills.
Van Span especially, he's like my... Him, Canadian Dabs. There's a couple dudes that if there was a Team Canada versus Team USA, and we all had to pull from the same freezer. It was like 3, 2, 1, go. We run to the freezer like Chef's Challenge, they would not outplay us.

Sean Kady:
I love that idea.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That'd be dope as fuck.

Sean Kady:
Cooking show.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Hey, listen, Vice TV, get at me, listen to me, get at me. America's next top hash maker.

Sean Kady:
Dude, we can announce it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
10% Vice, let's do this. Somebody fund this, bankroll me. Anyways though-

Sean Kady:
It's a great idea.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
If there was a Canada versus US-

Charlie Kady:
You think we'd take them?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I fucking guarantee it.

Charlie Kady:
Oh yeah. Love it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I guarantee it. They are further ahead than us in genetics. They're further ahead than us in the realisation of what hash can be, where it's going, how to manipulate the plant, how to manipulate harvest, how to manipulate...
It's like them trying to say that in the eighties and nineties they could compete with us in hockey. We bred hockey players, especially Ontario. We were a farm.

Charlie Kady:
I get what you're saying.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
They breed weed. You're not Vancouver is legendary. That's true Legacy, that's international, worldwide. You go to Amsterdam like Vancouver, Canada. I don't know why I just did that fucking accent. Can we cut that?

Charlie Kady:
That's all right.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Timestamped it and take it the fuck out. They're not from Quebec. That was, I was doing Amsterdam and I'm like "pass me the puck." No, fucking idiot. But Vancouver, I've met dudes in the states, forties, fifties, sixties, real OGs that are like, yo, I used to bring in packs from Vancouver when I was a kid. And I'm like, yeah, hell yeah. Canada's on the fucking map, I told you. Toronto's Bay Street Financial, Gucci belts, we'll flip your shit, everything gets sent here. But they're the real legacy they gave Canada-

Charlie Kady:
Yeah, the bet Coast for sure.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Anybody that says anything other than that, Ontario's coming. We have dudes right that jar. I don't think I should plug people that -

Sean Kady:
You don't need to plug it. Smell fire though. Is that-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Please, the Tiacian Lime, he does a day of the dead. He does a 92 latte.

Charlie Kady:
It's interesting you mentioned lots of hash makers and obviously there's lots of really fire growers still, obviously. And it's like what do you think would entice people to make it entry into the legal market?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's nothing. I'm super happy to be out, people are like, are you upset to be out of the industry? I'm like, I am so happy to be out of the industry. I hated skateboarding when I was in the industry. I fell in love with it again when I burned my skateboards, gave away everything in my fucking house and didn't think about it for five years.

Sean Kady:
That kind of happened with me with cooking. I really like cooking and then I started doing it professional, I'm like, I hate this.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And remember, I was the first legacy crossover. So I've been through the fucking wringer. I have not had an easy time. And you're the first one to be judged, you're the first sellout, you're the first, oh, he's an asshole. He got rich and blah, blah, blah. I've heard everything. And the reality is I've probably fought the O C S, and fought on SOPs, and broke down more doors, and opened more skews, and really fucking done some shit for you guys. And taken the worst of it. And I don't want, this isn't a sympathy thing, I'm so happy with everything that's happened. I have the best life, the best wife, I do the fuck what I want for a living really. And I don't have to be, now with Big gone, and me being gone from Big-

Sean Kady:
That's official, I guess-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
I didn't ask about that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I need to stand up for this one. Official.

Sean Kady:
Okay. Bye bye.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I don't know if you guys are on Twitter or anything.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
But I woke up to a shit show one morning with rape accusations.

Sean Kady:
Oh right. For those that don't know-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That thing.

Sean Kady:
We'll talk about it. We can unpack that I guess. Why not? I don't know if you want to, but I mean you said it. We don't have to.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
But no, the thing is, I needed, remember when I said people like me, it wasn't ready for people like me?

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Truly Pat, you don't stay in the skateboard industry as long as I did for the money.

Sean Kady:
Right. I follow.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You don't make hash for the money.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's the smallest skew we have. If it's even considered a skew at this point, the numbers are so low.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Oh, it's bad.

Sean Kady:
So it's just bored. Are people just bored?

Charlie Kady:
And edibles?

Sean Kady:
I'm sure it's tough, legal rosins a really thin market.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Well, there's no market.

Sean Kady:
There is none, right? Any heady guy is going to go get jars that aren't from our fridge, to be honest. Unless they're really in a pinch.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
People are still bringing jars from the states and buying them here for $300 a jar.

Sean Kady:
I've heard about that, can speak to that? I keep seeing that. There's a whole mark here. Right?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's great.

Sean Kady:
This is good.

Charlie Kady:
This is good.

Sean Kady:
So wait, Mike, if I go get a bunch of jars from America and bring them across the border, then they're worth more money. Eh?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You're going to be super disappointed.

Sean Kady:
I know, I'm joking. You like Sean, don't do it. Don't do it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We have so many killers here.

Charlie Kady:
Yeah, you can get us the good jars. We do. Yeah, we do like to.

Sean Kady:
So bye-bye Big. We didn't really touch, we did the puffco. When is your event coming up before we go?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
September 29th and 30th.

Sean Kady:
29th and 30th. And this is for Sarah's Soldiers.

Charlie Kady:
Oh, that sounded dope. Yeah. You have a nice lineup. Right?

Sean Kady:
And if they wanted to donate, what website could they go to?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The link in my bio or Sarah's bio.

Sean Kady:
Love that, so Padrino Hasho and Sarah's bio, we'll figure that We'll put it in the episode and stuff right there. We'll be right back.

Charlie Kady:
What are we going to try? What is that? That's the upside down.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, we're going to finally try the upside down cake from Black Market and give you the honest review when we come back.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We will.

Sean Kady:
With Mike El Hasho.

Charlie Kady:

Sean Kady:
That tiny little lava lamp. I think that Mike said it's the Italians.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Which one?

Sean Kady:
I have this joker little tiny rig.

Charlie Kady:
It's so ghetto. You didn't clean the bottom of it.

Sean Kady:
It's clean.

Charlie Kady:
We're not going to let Mike hit that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's clean. I like that. It's clean.

Sean Kady:
It's clean. It sounds.

Charlie Kady:
We're in the back of the shop. Welcome back with Mike, my brother Sean-

Sean Kady:
El Hasho, Padrino.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yes sir.

Sean Kady:
Yeah. Kicking it, man. It's been really nice to just unwind with you and like.

Charlie Kady:
Smoke some blunts.

Sean Kady:
Smoke some blunts. We smoked that Black Market. It is pretty hazy.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Very hazy.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That's the thing, they grow such good weed.

Sean Kady:
They do, it burn nice and clean.

Charlie Kady:
It was decent.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I don't like the jealousy. I don't like that. I don't like the Suzanne. Leanne.

Sean Kady:

Charlie Kady:
[inaudible] that rain and I didn't like that. I didn't like it either.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
[inaudible] Gelato really, but again, we're talking about preference, right? All of them are grown super well.

Sean Kady:
Yep. No, a hundred percent man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Should we talk about-

Sean Kady:
Yeah, we're going to plug our contest one more time.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
But we should talk about the contest. Higherorbit.ca.

Sean Kady:
Higherorbit.ca slash puff co

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Slash puff co.

Sean Kady:
Is it a bunch of ways to enter. We're giving away two of those, is a huge one that gets you tonnes of entries.

Charlie Kady:
Tonnes of entries.

Sean Kady:
We're giving away a black one and a white one. Hard to get the black.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Very hard to get the blacks.

Sean Kady:
Very hard to get the black, so make sure you do that. And of course, we're going to match every person that donates or while subscribe with a donation to Mike's charity, which you're going to tell us a little bit more about. I feel like we didn't get the story on Sarah's soldiers. Obviously, you told us about the event that's coming up-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
September 29th and 30th. We're doing-

Sean Kady:
When did this journey to kind of conquer Fuck MS kind of start for you?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Fuck MS. For sure.

Charlie Kady:
Is that straight up what it's called? No.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No. Like the event? The event is called Fuck MS.

Charlie Kady:
I love that. There you go. See, there you go.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The event is called Fuck MS.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We couldn't call it that last year because we had the honour of working with two true gentlemen, two educated gentlemen at High North and their lovely staff. So Rick and John made us a part of their golf tournament last year.

Sean Kady:
Oh, nice.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Legendary humans.

Charlie Kady:
Yeah, it's a nice event.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah, it was great.

Charlie Kady:
Just raised five figures or something, good amount of money, right?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
14 plus $15,000.

Charlie Kady:

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And then plus what we did outside of the golf. It was great. It was great. And so Sarah Soldiers is a Fuck MS charity because MS, multiple sclerosis is a nightmare. She was diagnosed in 08, 09, but was suffering previous to that, right when I left the skateboard industry. Long story short, we'd been walking for years because it's in her family. So she's lost an aunt, her aunt's son, her first cousin also has it, her other aunt has it. One is passed, rest in peace to Rosalie. So naturally it became our cause. And naturally with anything I do, it goes crazy overboard and I have to do it to affect the world.
Which to your point of you design clothing? Nope. But I do it for MS, and that's how it started. That was the way I felt like I could affect and use my following, I figured basically, here's what it was, if I could sell hash and still be in those kind of numbers at that time and have this kind of following and get such a reaction every time I said anything, I could probably use that for good. So I did the first, and then I did, I thought it would fuck with my hash image. So I changed it to Anti Solvent Solventless Club. And I did a run of clothing called Anti Solvent Solventless Club. I did hoodies and t-shirts.

Sean Kady:
I didn't know that was you. I seen that everywhere. And I had no idea that was you. How did I not know that? That's funny.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That was your boy.

Sean Kady:
That's awesome man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah. So that was cool. And then I realised, okay, and then Sarah got really sick and was admitted to the hospital. Not so cool, a couple of weeks after we had our second kid, January 24th, 2021, she went in. Instantly into I C U. She was there until August. The crazy thing is she had a 2% chance of living.

Sean Kady:
Two percenter.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And she did it.

Sean Kady:
What a legend.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Legend. So shout out women.

Sean Kady:
Yeah. Overcoming the odds.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Shout out St Miles, shout out Canadian healthcare.

Sean Kady:
Yeah man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Shout out Canadian Health for you. Shout out Canadian.

Sean Kady:
That's beautiful, man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Shout out to St. Mike's. You know those people, heroes don't wear capes. They wear lame fucking scrubs.

Sean Kady:
Scrubs, yeah.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
But they're heroes. And it's insanely hard from my perspective to, not relive it, but share anything about it because it's the most extreme circumstance. It's like the equivalent of somebody doing cocaine one time and then ending up in Mexico with a gun to their head in a cartel setting. You went from one extreme to the other. So it's hard to, but those people are, it was insane.

Sean Kady:
Yeah. It's so incredibly taxing to have to take care of somebody like that too, especially when it's your partner, and-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
During Covid.

Sean Kady:
I really empathise with that man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Not being allowed in the hospital. It was-

Sean Kady:
It's a real-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It was crazy.

Sean Kady:
So the charity...

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Sarah Soldiers was born in 2009 and then in 14 it became a real charity. Last year we got accepted the hug from the MS society of Canada.

Sean Kady:
Very cool.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We were part of their champions walk in Vegas. And now the event in September's coming up, it's going to highlight some of Canada's best artists. I'm not going to blow it up until the time is right or the flyer can be shared by great people, but-

Sean Kady:
Keep the rabbit in the hat, I hear you.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Oh man, it's going to be a crazy event. The DJ and Master of Ceremony, like shout out Carla Hustle girl, Carla Moy or Hustle Girl on Instagram. But she's like a living legend and if you don't know, you should know. So go really take a look at who that is. But she's going to be doing the DJing, it's going to be at the O P P head office on Geary. We're taking over for a couple of days, and the artist list is insane and Fuck MS yeah, let's do everything we can.

Sean Kady:
I can stand behind that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I don't know if I wanted to say this, but I want to say it because I just don't give a fuck.

Sean Kady:
Why not?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Is that bad?

Sean Kady:
No, no. Fire away man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I don't care bro. Like, oh, that could affect your career. What fucking career?

Sean Kady:
Go for it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's no money here. I've already done this-

Sean Kady:
We always cut it out later.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Don't cut this. Why don't companies you have a cause?

Sean Kady:
No cause?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Why? Listen, I'm not putting anything on anybody, I'm not judging, Carmel, who do you support?

Sean Kady:
The world better into better direct direction and what a greater purpose in this world kind of thing Mike?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
An abused women's shelter in your town or wherever your grow is or wherever your head office is, a fucking autism support. A afterschool programme. Like fucking Spencer at T H C is putting up fucking basketball courts and shit. One dude, bro. The fuck is everybody else doing?

Sean Kady:
Yeah, that's a good point-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Straight up, no, all the laughs aside, what the fuck are you doing? What the fuck's everybody doing man?

Sean Kady:
No, and I think-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm not buying a hundred jars of anybody's shit again. I like you Black Market. I love Ali. That's his name, right?

Charlie Kady:
That is his name. Good ass dude.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
He's a good ass dude. I don't remember a lot of people, and Carmel has East Side Johnny is that his name? Johnny?

Sean Kady:
That's him. He was on the show. He was on the show a couple of weeks ago.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
He was on the show? Shout out Johnny.

Sean Kady:
Shout out Johnny.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I don't hate anybody, especially a company. Just get your act together. I did it wrong too.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I let people control my image. I let people control what was coming out and that was foreign for me and it blew up in my face.

Sean Kady:
Everyone in this industry is so heads down though.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
They did it backwards because they invested x amount of money and then they were like, okay, let's build this pyramid of how we're going to make our money back. It's like, bro, you don't do that.

Sean Kady:
Like you said, when you pay your dollars-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's like reverse fucking math.

Sean Kady:
Open that many jars you have a right to have an opinion. So I totally agree with you, dude. You're like...

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Because I've never cared if anybody fucking liked my opinion. You hear what I'm saying? But this time it's valid. I buy more than you do, ask the retailers.

Charlie Kady:
Maybe we should unleash more. We're usually pretty polite as you put it.

Sean Kady:
Canadian, polite.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
How do you guys, as retailers-

Sean Kady:
I'm going to start unleashing my inner El Hasho moving forward.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm about to unleash your inner El Hasho or you can bitch out.

Sean Kady:
As retailers. I think that there's-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
How do you feel about companies having [inaudible]?

Sean Kady:
I'm always fair in how I... Oh, without naming anybody. That's a weird one, man. Well, I mean there's mail. We know who we're talking about.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I mean it is what it is, who cares?

Sean Kady:
Yeah man. I do think-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Charlie Kady:
And basically dropped away from a retail-

Sean Kady:
And dropped away from retail.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm not saying what the thought process behind it was. I'm super far removed from the situation. All I'm saying is there's a black jar in front of me and if I drop it right now, it's going to make a noise, correct?

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Okay. Ghost Drops is a brand?

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
They sell in retail stores.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
They also now have what is considered in the industry, a mom site.

Sean Kady:
Mail order, marijuana.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
A mail order marijuana site. For those of you who aren't up on the acronym, now how that-

Charlie Kady:
Try to make it feel old school in a way?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
How that affects anything to the viewer, why I'm asking the question is because-

Sean Kady:
But they're not just carrying Ghost Drops too, it's like Mendo, right? For other people don't know, is it like Mendo, they're carrying everything?

Charlie Kady:
They're curating?

Sean Kady:
I think so. I think they're curating.

Charlie Kady:
I would only sell my stuff though.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Can somebody educate me? Do we know?

Sean Kady:
We could look it up right now, but maybe somebody will for-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We'll put that in the credits or something.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Maybe we'll need to do a fourth instalment.

Sean Kady:
I don't know.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We'll decide.

Sean Kady:
We were kind of like, I don't want to do them dirty or put any false information.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
This has nothing to do with doing anybody dirty. This isn't putting anybody... Look, I'm sure other people would've liked to be at that finish line first, and Ghost drops like in a million other ways, did something first. And I'm sure that that room of people are brilliant and aware of the pros and cons.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Now as a retailer, it's fair for me to ask as a consumer to a retailer, as a previous retailer, how does it impact your outlook on a brand that now offers the same product that you offer at a lower price, direct to consumer and can ship?

Sean Kady:
That is correct, [inaudible] Charlie and I, a little bit, we bought I think a rotational jar, it was these Donny Burger jars.

Charlie Kady:
They sold the seven for the same price.

Sean Kady:
Seven grammes you could get from the mom for the same price is the eighth from us. So that's pretty crazy.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That is the only reason my question exists. And I have to platform Ghost Drops because they're the ones that did it. So if anybody wants to say, oh, he is going after Ghost Drops-

Sean Kady:
Well what I'm interested to know is how did they decide that their target market didn't like to go to a dispensary? That's why I'm like, I guess the people that like Ghost Drops [inaudible] store? You what I'm trying to say though?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I mean I think what you're saying is valid, I just think it's an assumption.

Sean Kady:
I guess so they closed the retail store and they opened a mom. So they're like, I guess our target, everybody's at Carmel your niche in power to that. I mean, I guess they decided that their crowd didn't want to go to the store. But other people love going to the store.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I mean, are they still only available in Ontario?

Sean Kady:
No, I don't think so. I think they are-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I think they were for a while.

Sean Kady:
They were for a while.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So I think that would be a motivation.

Sean Kady:
People ask for it nowadays, but-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That would be a motivation from my perspective. You guys know the back side, so I'm far separated, so I'm making an assumption like you guys, but as far as I know, they're available in very few provinces because it's hard to keep up with the numbers and it's hard to expand really, that's the problem.

Sean Kady:
Well in good cannabis-

Charlie Kady:
Maintain quality-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Without going into a million reasons, financially, substantially for the product quality, when you try to grow that fast.

Sean Kady:
As everyone-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's going to be tough, it's scary.

Sean Kady:
When people are throwing money at you [inaudible].

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
But the scaling. Thank you. I said blah.

Sean Kady:
Like taking that cut and making, going from one room to 10 rooms, let's say.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So now the easier way to do that, put it on a website and ship Canada wide. But you know you're going to step on some toes because people have real money invested in your product sitting on store shelves that now... And that's going to come in the future from other companies. I hate to say it, they might've done it first, they might've got there first, they're not going to be the only one.

Sean Kady:
I thought it was a weird play. I will say that, it was literally double, you got Charlie, you didn't have an opinion. You were very political about it.

Charlie Kady:
Wow. I mean I wasn't impressed, that's for sure.

Sean Kady:
I wasn't impressed.

Charlie Kady:
I probably used the verbiage was probably horse shit.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, horse shit. There you go.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So shout out Sarah's Soldiers.

Sean Kady:
Shout out Sarah's Soldiers, back to a positive note.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No, and like I said, look, everybody has to figure out how to swim upstream right now. Everything's against everybody. Some people are doing right. I sound like I'm hating on them. I just think that with the parameters that were built, branding is very hard. So people took safe routes and just made great product and they spoke to people, my generation of people, if you can sell to me and I'm a return customer, I think you did fucking real well. I'm a picky bitch. When I'm repeatedly disappointed, but I come back and buy it once every couple months, just to check in and it still sucks, that's when I get excited about companies like nudes.

Sean Kady:
You give people chances.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You got to keep giving Carmel a chance because they were my first, yo, this is good.

Sean Kady:
Well that's what I mean, that's what I was saying.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah, they were my first. We have a legacy grower, shits fire. If you ever heard of this guy Drew, his dreads are fucking down to, it was like they were the first ones to platform a person and their validity and their value. And they gave that guy his props, and they built the company sort of like a skateboard company in terms of, or a grey beard where it's super family, super small, we just want to do quality. And then at some point in both cases the narrative changes. Just like with Black Market, there's not much branding like Nudes. I said it the other day on Instagram. I'm like, I don't know who the fuck Nudes is. You guys are terrible. Who picked that name?

Sean Kady:
I just had a-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Who picked that branding?

Sean Kady:
It's a funny one and it's like that Olive green colour.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Kill that branding. But the weed is fire, it's grown at Mill Creek, it's contractors. Same guy that grew Astro's G M O. So I smoked it on the word of Chris and Charlene from Empire House, shout out Empire House, shout out Smokey Dish, shout out Tottenham. I tried it and I was like, yo, this is a Black Market, low quad, high trip, mid quad. This is fucking good. Who is this? Your branding is absolutely shit.

Charlie Kady:
After we went on how important branding it is.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Oh my god, the branding is so bad.

Charlie Kady:
But the weed stands out.

Sean Kady:
But the weed's fire.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The weed's great.

Sean Kady:
Do you ever, do you grow it all, dude?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I grow for hash. I grew for hash. I love growing outdoor. I love growing outdoor. I hate-

Sean Kady:
Is there a different approach? Do you harvest it a different point in the day?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
Growing to smoke versus hash? Are you like-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
A hundred percent, if you're growing in controlled conditions-

Charlie Kady:
You're going to smoke it most likely.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And people are definitely going to like, if I don't know what's a Reddit something or fucking some lame shit. This is going to have an opinion, but you're going to have so many different schools of opinion on you don't flush the weed, you feed it right to the end. You pull it early, you pull it late. You pull this for this, you pull this for this. But the reality is how do you know? And how's that going to repeat itself every time? LeBron's kid is only six too. Oh yo. Let's all hope and pray for LeBron's kid. Did you hear what happened to Bronny yesterday? A heart attack, the cardiac arrest?

Sean Kady:
That was really sad.

Charlie Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Charlie Kady:
I heard about that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Okay, so maybe a bad reference to make right now, but it's a great reference because he's not 6 9 2 50 and can fly like his dad. But he's an insanely talented basketball player and he's six two and he's Bronny.

Charlie Kady:
Very young.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And he's going to make the NBA, so there's never going to be a this is going to do this every time. I don't care who the grower is and what the strain is. It is a super relationship like growing is too much of a relationship for me to be invested in. So the guys that really do it well, those soil to oil guys like Living Earth Organics, Van Span, Canadian Dabs, Pineapple Reserve, the guys that are growing and making are special people. They need to be protected at all costs.

Charlie Kady:
I love it.

Sean Kady:

Charlie Kady:
I love it. Agreed. I'm going to shout out to my friend Taste Craft, he does that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Taste craft?

Sean Kady:
Yeah. I think Sam gave you a jar actually.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That I was-

Sean Kady:
It must be so much harder. Obviously there's still a market for nice fire and the fire is still so good, but it's like, it must be harder.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's a whole world of hash outside of legal hash.

Sean Kady:
Well yeah, of course.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
Piatella, it's the hot word right now.

Charlie Kady:
What about Piatella, Mike? What are your thoughts on the Piatella?

Sean Kady:
It was called something else before was Piatella. It's a rebrand, right?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's called Hash.

Sean Kady:
It's called fucking hash.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's called hash.

Charlie Kady:
Is that supposed to be Italian? It sounds Italian.

Sean Kady:
It is.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Piatella, I thought it was Spanish.

Sean Kady:
But wen you're talking about Piatella, it's fresh frozen resin that's being cured.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Now why does Piatella have to be fresh frozen?

Charlie Kady:
Specific kind of hash.

Sean Kady:
I'm asking you.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
The thought process behind Piatella as far as I'm concerned, and why they've put it in this parameter is so that they can market it, right? Let's be honest. So we've created this parameter of what it has to be to be considered true Piatella. And if I'm correct, it's a freeze-dried product, not air dried like the original product would be.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's a freeze-dried product that never sees press or heat or pressure. It's then left to cure in cellophane.

Sean Kady:
Is it cellophane?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You can put it in the jar. Some people put it in a vacseal.

Charlie Kady:
Press it in there over time?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I choose to neither do, if I'm going to make it, I would choose not to trap it at all for the first couple days. Listen, again, with resin and freeze drying, there's always the possibility of remnant moisture. And I think one of the things I've seen on Instagram, especially with Piatella, is the over liquidy Piatella's.

Sean Kady:
Are you talking contamination?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I hesitate to say that they're under freeze-dried. That's all I would say.

Sean Kady:
Got it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
True Piatella should react like a good cheesecake. Moist but dense. You put your fork through it-

Sean Kady:
I love that, a little bit, not dry, but-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No dryness.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
A good cheesecake is never dry.

Sean Kady:
But not wet.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's no wetness. You're never going to hear hler. It's like it's a density that's special to cheesecake.

Charlie Kady:
Never had Piatella.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's a density, it's a special consistency that anything that has holes naturally in the middle of it, air holes, that's where the air's going to get in and that's where things are going to start to cure. So it's how these hash makers are trapping and when they're stopping their cures and cutting open the bricks of Piatella, et cetera. Actually it's like a fine baking technique. The best French bakers make croissants that don't have to be weighed or this or that, they just know how much butter to get consistency, the Flakiness, and Piatella is a very handmade, fine, detailed, attention based product. That's a thousand-year-old product, that's what it is. Live Rosin is, in my opinion, an over processed product to get it to a stage where we can monetize it and get it into people's hands and have a shelf life that makes sense for the price that we're charging. If anybody tries to paint it any differently, they're just trying to be the Virgil Ablo of fucking Basquiat of hash because they just want to be different and tortured fucking artists. But the reality is that Live Rosin is pressed and finished-

Sean Kady:
So that you can commercialise it, because full Melt, for instance-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Has no shelf life.

Sean Kady:
Yeah, exactly.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
That's why it's a grower's product. It gets shared amongst the growers close friends.

Sean Kady:
Have right then in there. Yeah. Yum, yum.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So we get to commercialisation because hash used to be something that the one percenters got. Now everybody gets it for a price. But trying to commercialise or monetize something like Piatella whose shelf life needs to be like, it needs to be understood like an expensive steak. You're not going to pay $400 for Y U and put it on a 400 degree grill. Some people would say that's blasphemous or I don't even know, I could be speaking out of my ass, I don't know what the temperatures are, but I know that if you have a $400 Y U, you don't cook it a certain way because it ruins it, right?

Sean Kady:
Yeah. It's the same as the homie with the Hot Dab. Give him the nice jar and he just shreds the Hot Dab. Oh. Oh man.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So what I'm saying is the education level will come around and that's when Canada will value its hash makers, it'll value its growers and we'll be ready for branding. We'll be ready for people to support people and companies and we're probably going to have to do it fourth.

Sean Kady:
I think we're going to have to do it fourth.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It's okay, we'll do it, we're here, we'll bang it out.

Sean Kady:
I want to make, we got to make those beef [inaudible] rolls and then Piatella.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
I just feel like it sounds like a thing you would do.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Can we get me a Red Bull sponsorship by the way?

Sean Kady:
Red Bull holler.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We'll do a fourth. What is it? It's not even midnight.

Sean Kady:
We'll be right back. We'll, with El Hasho.
We back.

Charlie Kady:
Late night.

Sean Kady:
I think this is the latest we've ever been here.

Charlie Kady:
Yeah, we are rolling past.

Sean Kady:
We're rolling it back with Mike's Padrino Hasho.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Let's go.

Sean Kady:
Back at the shop eight two one Queen Street West. We were talking about Piatella, I think we were just saying too, you're just like, Piatella is great, it's just not an innovation, right? Is that what you're basically saying point blank?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Going back to the orange thing I was just saying, I prefer a really ripe orange, fresh out the fridge cut, like at soccer when you're a kid, I prefer that to orange juice. I think I just as a human prefer less processed things. I prefer melt to rosin. I prefer Piaella-

Sean Kady:
You don't like rosin?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I love Rosin. I love it. I love all aspects of hash. I love import hash, I grew up on that, I'm 43, born in 1980. I've smoked a lot of amazing hash. I went through the generation of hash. And Piatella being not pressed, not seeing heat, not seeing pressure, not being exploded, not coagulating in a jar and curing in a jar and being that raw state. It tastes from the proper strain and I've been super-

Charlie Kady:
It tastes amazing.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Is fucking phenomenal.

Sean Kady:
Do you just put a little bit of pressure? So you said you put it in the cellophane and without the moisture, I could see how that would be critical and just over time a little packing. What do you do? A couple of days and just let it kind of chill?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I mean, for me, I just use my hands-

Sean Kady:
It marinades.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
And you know that kinetic sand stuff?

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Once you put it to a certain pressure, it's perfect, but if you give it a little too much, it'll-

Sean Kady:
Crumble up.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Okay. There's that with Piatella, just like a fine baked good. Like back to that reference. The best croissants, the best French pastries, et cetera, are literally small batch made by hand. That's the definition of Piatella because it literally requires daily maintenance.

Sean Kady:
Has to be small.

Charlie Kady:
So that's why we're never going to say commercialised Piatella.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Look, you could. Look, it takes less production.

Charlie Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It takes less time because you're not putting it in a jar for 30 days, waiting for it to sweat at the top, mixing it, it could be in theory, depending on how long you want to cure it. Again, you have all the control with hash. Basically hash is a finishing process. We all do the same thing to get it into our bags. We're not extractors, we're severs. I don't extract shit, I don't know how to extract anything. I don't make B H O, I don't run a lab, I don't run a machine and I'm not trying to demean that-

Charlie Kady:
What about when you're pressing? I guess not, yeah.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I could literally do it with my hands. So my hands are a press, so my hands are a $10,000 press. So if I do my job well and precursor to me doing my job well, the grower does a job well, then I'm having the easiest time in my job because now all I got to do is keep it cold, keep it quick, and know which bags I'm pulling. So it's really all the grower. I could watch a YouTube video at this point with all the information out there compared to when I started. You can watch a YouTube video and learn how to... Go to home hardware, buy two brute list garbage cans, Amazon, a set of bags.

Charlie Kady:
Bubble bags.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Now watch. Why are your hands a pressed? Because my hands are heating pressure. A press is just an exaggerated hand. The best hash in the world is pressed by your hands. You take the melt, you throw it in some parchment, press it while you're talking, squish your hands around a bit, maybe slide it out a bit to even it out, most people don't care. Like most hash makers and people that are around a lot of hash, we'll press it out for 10 seconds no matter what it looks like and just start dabbing. But to get that Instagram quality, give it 30 seconds, use your fingers you are now a press. You just technically made rosin with your hands.

Sean Kady:

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Am I wrong?

Sean Kady:
No, I love what you're saying.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Am I fucking wrong, Sean?

Sean Kady:
No, man. I love talking hash with you, dude. It's just fun to fucking kick it and chat hash. I was actually just thinking about what you were saying about this connection you have with the farmer and washing. Obviously you take pride in that, right? And you want to show the best in the work that they did, like you said, from the grower.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
From the grower, of course.

Sean Kady:
That you have this, you're carrying-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm exaggerated-

Sean Kady:
And they're growing just for hash?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I'm like a fake hash maker.

Sean Kady:
Are they growing just for hash?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I am because look, okay.

Sean Kady:
You do kind of have to grow for hash to get the yield. Is that the truth to that statement?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's two types of hash makers. There's a producer and there's a hash maker. At times in my life, I've been a hash maker because I've grown weed with the intention of it only being hash. I've tried different soils, I've tried different mediums, blah, blah, blah. I was a hash maker. I've entered competitions out of the country, in the country, with hash I've grown and hash I have white labelled and processed. Certain dudes in this country are hash makers. They don't even attempt to touch other people's product. It's theirs, Concentrated X.

Sean Kady:
I love it, the pride in it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You can't even talk to a guy like Concentrated X without almost losing him. He's a very passionate dude. And his knowledge of the plant goes so much further than his knowledge of hash. And I love him to death, this might be a little bit of shade, I think he's a much better grower than hash maker, and I think what's special about him is him.

Sean Kady:
He grows fire weed. What does he grow to make hash with, did he just grow fire to smoke?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Cookies and cream, strawberry, banana, he's very small and he sticks to what he loves and knows and he makes some of the best hash in the entire world. Oh, he's top three to five in North America, like top 10. He's in our Canadian five of the Dammit bobby Tricadelicks. If there was an Olympic team, he's on it. You know what I mean?

Charlie Kady:
I love this whole conversation. Yeah.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Fuck yeah.

Charlie Kady:
We're going to make that reality show happen.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Let's fucking do that. Let's do that because we have some growers and some hash makers, and I'm saying hopefully the industry gets to a point where it's worth it for these guys to come out of the shadows and it's worth it for them because it's not right now, flat out. We lost brindle farms, we lost old growth collective, we lost me, we lost a lot of dudes that put in a lot of work, a lot of time, they set the standard in the black market, they created pricing. You don't talk about hash in this country, you don't mention that fucking genre without talking about me, Roe, Flav, Brindle, Concentrated, and then there's a whole new class of dudes, the Pineapples, the Canadian Dabs, the Van Spans, the Living Earths, the fuck, so many. Please guys, don't hate me. So many lost boys, there's High Fidelity, she just came into the marching, she's a killer.

Sean Kady:
Pretty good, right?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:

Sean Kady:
Poncho Farms?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Poncho Farms.

Sean Kady:
You never heard of that. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. All good.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's so many.

Sean Kady:
There's so many.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I literally see hash all the time and I'm like, people are always worried, they're like, what do you think about this? And I'm like, is it a bomb? I know it's just hash. I'm like, I know, bro. Just chill. I look at it, I'm like, it's fire. I think everybody expects me to say, oh, this is shit. It's been 10 years since I was leading in anything, even skateboarding. You can play a video game now that you benefit from. There's so much information in the world. Everybody should be at a certain point. That's what makes guys stand out because we're at a point where everybody should be fucking at a certain point.

Sean Kady:
I got you.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You feel me?

Sean Kady:
There's a standard.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's a definite standard to sit at. What is it in the states, like D one. It's crazy to play D one football. That's a fucking achievement. To play N F L is fucking ridiculous. It's like 1% right? Now there's 1% of good hash makers in the world that are unicorns, and then there's a whole shit load that are fucking awesome.

Sean Kady:
And they're trying to level up their game and get better.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
But they won't.

Sean Kady:
But they won't.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
But they won't.

Sean Kady:
They'll always be the triple ball. You have to be maniacal and do the whole thing.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Some people are cool with that, they're like, you know how much money I make being a fucking D one player? I'm like, yeah.

Charlie Kady:
Does it require just full grow to hash making? And like you said, you're always going to be better at one or the other.

Sean Kady:
Oh, to be a unicorn.

Charlie Kady:
Or maybe we need the duo.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Like every unicorn I know is a hash maker, not a producer.

Sean Kady:
Got it.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
I could be a unicorn of a producer, you can do that too.

Sean Kady:
Of course.

Charlie Kady:
There's still lots of good growers who are-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's a lot of good growers who couldn't make hash to save their fucking life, and there's a lot of good hash makers that couldn't fucking grow to save their life.

Charlie Kady:
Do you think that the fire that we get, not in legal stores, can make it into legal stores and still be as good?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
No, no.

Charlie Kady:
That's the cold storage chain is a big part of that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
There's so many reasons.

Charlie Kady:
There's a lot of reasons why we don't have enough time.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It'll never be worth it-

Charlie Kady:
[inaudible] cold storage in it though? Well, jars, yes, but I mean flour.

Sean Kady:
I had a question for Mike. How do you pick, because I have no idea, obviously beyond yield, what makes a good strain to wash? How do you pick a good strain to wash if you look at it?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Thank you for putting me on a spot.

Sean Kady:
Input. How do you pick fire input?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
You don't.

Sean Kady:
You don't. You don't know until it picks you, okay.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Yeah. You can look at so many grows, at so many strains, here's the trick. There's about a week period where you're like, do I pull it? Do I not? Do I let it go? Do I pull it, fuck what do I do? This is where the relationship of the hash maker being in the grow and having access to the grow makes a difference. So the easy answer to this, if anybody's watching it for any reason, to catch hash tips, if there's some hardcores out there, here's your tip. I call it a spider web.
When you grab a nug that's growing, it's on the plant, you're like, I think it's ready, I'm not sure, maybe it needs a couple of days. The grower's, like it needs nine days, you're like, it needs five. Okay. Here's how you know if it's ready for hash, you grab the nug, give it some pressure, put your hands together. When you separate your hands, it shouldn't be oily, it should be sticky. You should almost feel a grittiness. And when you separate your hands, it will literally look like a spiderweb. It will trace for like two, three inches, it will be white, it will be iridescent, and it will literally break apart like a spiderweb. It'll hold on to the last second.

Sean Kady:
I hear you. I know. I love that.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
If you freeze that and you have an SOP in place to harvest that and freeze that properly, you are going to make amazing hash if you're good at your job.

Sean Kady:
Okay, that's sick. For all the hardcores out there-

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
For all the hardcores out there.

Sean Kady:
Padrino Hasho just give you [inaudible].

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
If anybody gives up.

Sean Kady:
And then you're just, wow. That's fire, man. I feel like I'd talk about with you all night.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
We could.

Sean Kady:
I feel like we might have to have you back on the show.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Let's do it.

Sean Kady:
I don't know, man. I'm just saying, try more jars. We'll have to try another jar of something else.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
For sure. We got to do a dab next time.

Sean Kady:
Yes, we're definitely doing dabs next time.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Shout out puff co.

Sean Kady:
Sarah Soldiers.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
Shout out Sarah's soldiers, shout out everybody doing something good for their community. Shout out everybody doing something positive in general.

Sean Kady:
That's a great message.

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
So much sadness in the world.

Sean Kady:
It takes an intention, right?

Mike "Hasho" Imposimato:
It takes intention to be good.

Sean Kady:

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