Billy's Pheno - The Next Episode

Sean & Charlie Kady Season 2 Episode 5

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He's been a hunter gatherer of exotics for years. He follows his nose, it always knows.  

This episode is a must-listen for those intrigued, or simply those who need to understand Billy's Pheno, its origin, its commitment and man behind the brand.  We chat with Billy Hillier, aka Billy of Carmel Cannabis; well known for high terp exotics, meet the Flower Manager at Carmel. 

Billy  takes us on an incredible journey detailing how he started off hiding growing plants, and now runs his own micro cultivation facility. He does not shy away from sharing his experiences, including the highs and lows that have shaped his journey.

With Billy, we dig deep into the world of cannabis, exploring the evolution of the industry, the science behind the various strains, and the art of harvesting. From the meticulous process involved in setting up a micro cultivation facility to the challenges of navigating the intricate rules and regulations of the industry, Billy's story is one of passion, resilience, and a deep love for cannabis. Not to forget, he also reveals the tricks of his trade, including his unique method of rolling joints and how automation has revolutionized his work.

The conversation doesn't stop there. Billy takes us through his exciting plans for the future, including his latest strain 'Bernscotti' and his dream of opening a micro-grow at his workplace. He also discusses his struggles in getting his microgrowery approved, reminding us that the path to success is often paved with obstacles. 

Tune in for an enlightening, humorous, and deeply engaging episode that gives a rare glimpse into the life of a cannabis grower and the rare's that is Billy's Pheno.

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Speaker 1:

Minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8 inches. Start 4, 3, 2, 1. Hi, I'm Sean and I'm Charlie, and this is Hyro Abit Night time back to the shop. Yeah, we're still open. This is awesome some Uber deliveries and stuff. We've got a very special guest in the house tonight. This is our part three of our family of Carmel series. I'm going to call it, why not? We got Billy in the house. I got Billy's Fino, billy Hillier they say it properly.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I nailed it. Yeah, Pleasure being here. Thanks for having me guys.

Speaker 1:

Dude, yeah, we're pumped, we're really pumped to have you, man. I feel like, as we've gotten to know the Carmel family so well now and you guys are going into your new launch with the new Billy's Fino it's actually going to be your cut that you brought to market and so that's why we have you here tonight, man, to kind of talk about that. And thanks for bringing us gifts. Yeah, no problem.

Speaker 3:

I actually meant to grab you some seeds too, because I saw that you were growing. An attempt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, a little setup.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we got an AC Infinity.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

We're doing, and that's funny. You said I'm just going to break them out. I actually got you seeds, buddy.

Speaker 3:

I had you cuted the punch.

Speaker 1:

I was like you got it off. I was like what? Yeah, you know, it's like you read my mind Incredible.

Speaker 3:

I actually got you some. Next time I see you, I'm going to have something for you. I appreciate what you got there.

Speaker 1:

It says Kerosene Crash, some Kerosene Crash and Dushmaster.

Speaker 3:

Beautiful Dynetics, yeah, 100% Unreal. I haven't seen packs like this, since I was actually in Amsterdam.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's where they came from. We'll have to let us know what you do with them at some point. I heard that you and Drew have been collecting seeds for a long fucking time, right? You did say that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I guess it actually started for me like even before I was growing. The first pack of seeds I ever bought was probably in like 2007, 2008. Damn, I was growing up school in University of Windsor and I watched some YouTube videos and I decided I was going to start growing mother plants in my closet and then making clones. And I was going to bring them home and sell some to my friends and grow the rest in my backyard.

Speaker 1:

That was the how it all, kind of that was the first thought.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So like I didn't know where to get seeds from, I Googled you know some coffee shop in Kensington, drove downtown, parked my car, walked inside, got a little menu, bought a couple packs of seeds and then popped them. But crazy, I think the next pack of seeds I bought was probably fast forward, at least five years. Okay, and then it's when things really started popping off on Instagram.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And I was really big into cannabis at the time and you were selling weed like me, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like kind of you got your start to like a pack and shit 100%.

Speaker 3:

It was like the only way that you can control what you were getting, as if you were to the supplier right. Like if you wanted to control, like what you were getting, what your friends were getting, you had to be the person you know, going to the source and getting it. So like that's kind of how it started, and then like everything, Wanting better weed right, wanting better weed?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was fun.

Speaker 3:

And then, like I think, I saved up 700 bucks and I bought a QP and then it was bomb and then everybody wanted some and then, like more people wanted some, so like it want you know, the quarter turned into one and to Dan and to whatever. Yeah, that's how it goes but um.

Speaker 2:

So wait, were you growing and flipping side pack?

Speaker 3:

No, Like I wasn't really growing much. I always like for fun when my parents they were pretty lenient and my mom would be cool if I toss like a couple plants in my backyard and crazy story. We were actually selling our house at the time and I had three massive plants in the backyard and we hit them from like the realtor and the people that were coming to see the house and the house sold. Wait, you hid them. How did you hide?

Speaker 1:

them they were big.

Speaker 3:

They were, but they were in like big, like 30 gallon pots and we would like hide them in the shed or hide them in the garage when people were coming over and my parents actually sold the house.

Speaker 3:

And one day my mom came into my bedroom like she had seen a ghost and she's like the realtor's here with the people that bought the house and they want to see inside the garage. And inside the garage because it was so late in the season, I had moved them inside and I put them under lights because I didn't want them to get like mildew and frost and stuff like that. So I had this tarp set up with like lights and the plants were in the garage and they like, kate, they're going to go to the basement. First you need to get those plants out of the garage. So in the middle of the night me and my dad are carrying these like 50 pound plants around the side of the house. I'm like ripping down the tarps and pulling down the lights while they're in the basement so that they can go out and see the garage, because I guess the whole time we were hiding them in the garage.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So the way I kind of kept this, though, is dad was in on it with you and mom was like oh boys, what do you guys got me into?

Speaker 3:

He wasn't even in on it with me, Like it was just like they were supportive parents yeah. They knew that the same thing that we all knew and it was like it wasn't something that was dangerous, not that big of a deal yeah, it was. It was not legal at the time, but we weren't hurting anybody.

Speaker 1:

So it's really funny. I got a different reaction from my mom. Charlie, do you remember that I tried to grow weed in my closet and I tried with the same setup?

Speaker 2:

with the same setup.

Speaker 1:

And I remember she was like no fucking way, get this shit out of here. That's really funny. And then she blamed. Anyways, that's really funny. I got the completely opposite. I had brought that.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it got very far. I was worried about my giant trees like that. That's all good.

Speaker 3:

And then like, um, like I was saying that Instagram kind of blew up with the cannabis scene, and then you're seeing all these genetics in the States, mostly that like I've never seen here in Canada, right. So like, yeah, we're getting great weed, like I was, you know, getting mostly like pinks and different, like Canadian exotics and stuff like that at the time. But then all over Instagram it's like Girl's Go Cookies and Cherry Pie and I remember that way you know what I mean. And like I'm like seeing all these things like grease monkey and I'm like I need.

Speaker 3:

I need some grease monkey, like, how am I going to get that? Google Found this guy in California Green Line Organics that was the company that I used to order seeds from Okay, and he had everything and for like five years I was just just spending my money and just buying seeds and seeds. And like getting the mailed up here and you know I had a couple of packages opened and they would just like close them back up and send them forward and never had anything like confiscated.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I think even back then it was like it wasn't illegal. Was it illegal to have seeds? I don't think so. There's no THC, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's on the package they would say they would say like bird seed or something like that. Like luxury bird seeds and anyways, I remember, even before I started growing more than like 10 plants, I probably had 40, 50 packs of seeds and I can't remember.

Speaker 1:

Did you tell us what was the name of the strain of that first pack that you bought in Kensington? Do you remember?

Speaker 3:

I thought, it'd be a tough one.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no I think oh good. It was like. It was like a.

Speaker 3:

You've got it, maybe like a white shark or something like that Crazy I remember. I know it was something sharks?

Speaker 1:

I don't think sharks. I used to love white shark. Me too I should be a big fan of that one.

Speaker 3:

One of the guys might have been the paper's guys or no, maggi, one of the growers that grew for us at Carmel One time. They just threw in like a couple samples of some stuff that they were like growing on the side. And it was the white shark, and I hadn't had it in, you know, a decade plus, and I thought this is more recently. Yeah, like in like the last like year or two. Oh nice.

Speaker 3:

And I said to Roey and I was like are you doing anything with that? And he's like no, I do, you want it. And I was like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, to the bank, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I took it home because like I just remember with those white sharks that they were so white. Yeah, you know what?

Speaker 3:

I mean, yeah, you don't have to. You don't have to, just different kind of smell.

Speaker 1:

And like every interesting aroma to it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, for sure, there used to be like a lot of OG sharks and stuff like that too Back in the day, but don't, don't see that stuff anymore. So what?

Speaker 1:

Um, what is being a flower manager different from being the master grower? Because obviously, true, gets that title, master grower but obviously being the fire manager is super important.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think that drew overseas everything, Right, Like literally everything. So like drew is looking over you know everything from like propagation to you know, to the grow. But like drew is literally working on, like you know, the dry, the trim he's working on.

Speaker 1:

He's the master in the back, he's helping. I hear you.

Speaker 3:

Like packaging, pre-rolls, like drew literally is everything, and I I think that I did a pretty good job at like making sure that he didn't have to worry so much about the grow, because they definitely needed his help everywhere else too. So, obviously, like he's like my mentor, so every time I have questions it's just to him and then you know he's confident that I can handle it from there.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not sure you ever told that story. How did you guys meet Um? Honestly random, and he must have smoked weed back now when he met him. No, no, he still didn't.

Speaker 3:

No, I actually I talked to him on the phone, probably for like six months before I actually ever met him. Um, so brings us back to Bellwood's, because my buddy Mark used to own Bellwood's dispensary. Oh, shit, and uh yeah, I was selling like packs to him when he, when he owned the store, and uh, stopped at your girl no, no, no, just like that, I procured I got.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just like like special things.

Speaker 3:

Special things Exactly At the time.

Speaker 3:

But uh, yeah, I was bringing him things and you know, this is like after the storage shut down and uh, he was working at hand trust at the time. And uh, one day he just called me and he's like, hey, some, some people I know they're starting this LP. Um, I was growing like a little bit at the time, maybe like 20 plants in my parents' basement and uh, he called me and he's like, hey, they're starting this LP. If you're interested, um, you should talk to my buddy, drew. And he's like I'm going to give him your number. And then, uh, this was probably six months before legalization.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Well, like we all knew it was coming. And then, uh, yeah, crazy man.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of a good segue. I'd say today is legalization day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, we kind of, just kind of clued in on that we kind of clued in on that. That's actually today.

Speaker 3:

That's why I'm five years today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, I had the opportunity to chat with somebody from the Canadian press about it and reflect on kind of some things that have kind of happened over the last five years. And I don't know, billy, what do you think, man? Obviously we've come a long way, but yeah where do you see the issues in the industry, man? What do you? What do you want to see change?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I just wish that. Uh, you know, I just want maybe People not to be so greedy, and you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's not like people, but just.

Speaker 2:

The money interests of it all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess so, yeah, it gets overwhelming compared to, like, the passion for the plant 100%.

Speaker 3:

You can tell the difference between people that are in it for money and people that are in it for Passion. Yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

Well, I kind of like clues in it. I don't typically write like LinkedIn post or anything, but I felt particularly fired up this morning and it brings me back to when we had drew on the show talking about. He was like, oh man, we have like this nice fire. We grew, but it didn't hit the numbers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, john and drew or like. Oh man, it was like everybody in the whole facility. This is the winner. It's going in orange by side, taken over the world 18%.

Speaker 3:

Yeah there's so many that are like 23, 24, it's just like I mean, but like that's just what the market wants and I don't even know if it's to the market. It's like, I think, the OCS wants that's how they drive that narrative to.

Speaker 1:

We talked about it all the time, I suppose yeah, all right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's too bad, but.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited, man, I guess when does the burn Scotty come out? I got this, this little birthday candle you give me.

Speaker 3:

you guys might know better than me oh fair enough, I love you like man.

Speaker 1:

I just grow. That I say Speaking of like a labeled bags.

Speaker 2:

An old-school bag of this fire. We love it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I am. You know, rowey said to me he's like you just grow in, you worry about us selling it.

Speaker 1:

No, it makes sense so.

Speaker 3:

I would love to know. I actually asked Chris because he was at my facility Taken some photos the other day and I asked him. When they were launching it, west posted something about it being on the portal.

Speaker 1:

It's yeah, it's soon. No, I got the email. I read your emails, john. I know you're listening. Don't worry, buddy, I know it's coming next week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he dropped us off a sample and honestly, I haven't smoked in like over 40 days now. I like you might have you got my wife, like I was opening the jar and just like that's like one of that's the best part about weed right.

Speaker 3:

It's the smell.

Speaker 1:

It is so that sensory experience. It really is, like, so important to me.

Speaker 3:

I know, I know that you guys had drew on here and drew was talking about, like, how we choose our phenos. Yeah, and here's a big looker and I like, honestly, I could just close my eyes and smell the bags and, like you know, I mean it. If it smells good, it's a bonus. Obviously it needs to look like something like there needs to be like some density and structure to it.

Speaker 1:

No, let your nose guide you, man. I always said that too with whenever I used to pick my weed for when I was like retailing and stuff before out of the store like Super important man. Yeah, or important than looks or anything.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the nose and then and then, if it is, if it smokes right, if it smokes like nice and clean, yeah, like that's the key nest, yeah, and a nice cure is always important to 100%, yeah, 100%.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited to give this a try. I have tried it before. I got like we talked about this before. The only thing I could compare it to is the cookies of the Neuergrom burn Scotty, but it's completely different cut.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I like this one way more. There's way more indica leaning, I feel like. The other one was like a lot of oranges Nothing, nothing, nothing wrong. I liked it, it was fine, but yeah, I think that this is Much improved. I like a lot more loving there much more love.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, I haven't.

Speaker 3:

I haven't seen theirs, but I hunted that one in my basement, so is that what?

Speaker 1:

you really get yet.

Speaker 3:

Because, like, I got my license at my micro March 31st, so I had up until that day to Figure out my genetics that I'm bringing in. And it's like my genetics that I'm bringing in forever because you only get that one-time declaration, but Like going into it. I was just like, okay, these are all the strains, so I've been growing at home. I did start growing at home in 2018. I got a medical license and I started growing at home, like on a larger scale, and then you know all the genetics that I have found. They were like keepers over the years. I kind of like kept them and then, going into this Grow before my micro, I kind of just threw everything in flour and I'm like, hey, I'm just gonna flower at everything, even stuff that I've seen like a long time ago. Let's see everything again and then I'm just gonna pick whichever one's like the most dank and test wall kind of thing. So that was that was the winner for this one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, makes sense to me, yeah, I love that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we can't wait to see it in bags, man, can you? Tell us a little more about like what the, I guess lineage is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so that's, it's seeds from See junkie. It is biscotti cross to jealousy. So, he, he called it burn Scotty, so I went with burn Scotty, but um Him and burner really. I considered changing the name back to just like biscotti cross jealousy, but I think that people like Names of strands versus like crosses, so it's we just we just kind of let it keep the name.

Speaker 1:

I think that's where I was saying. I got that gelato vibe from it, which I love gelato things. You know that have a more day, but it's more dank. Yeah, it's more like I love.

Speaker 3:

For sure. I have a biscotti cross gelato which is like super fire too, but like I just don't know, it's that it's so similar, not similar and you're more of a sweets and desserts guy.

Speaker 3:

You like yeah, I mean I do like Sweets too, but I, I don't know, I just like unique flavors. So nothing like I'm not really into, like too much, like creamy or anything like that, but things that are to have like a lot of bite, yeah, and then just like, when you smell it You're like that's a different smell, like I need to smell that smell, you know again, kind of thing. So I remember the first time I ever got real kush, this like like og, or like pink or purple, it was just purple.

Speaker 1:

You remember, all you could find was purple.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was purple could. It wasn't purple kush. I don't remember. Because, like I was in Windsor at the time, like in University and and Renew somebody who was like paying people to like fly out west and then like come back with two cases full of weed and we just got a pack and it just said kush.

Speaker 3:

And this guy yeah, exactly right and and my buddy opened the bag and it smells so good and I was just like I need that, like give me some of that. So I took some and I went home and my roommate came downstairs and he's like bro, it smells like you got the skunk in your room. And then I'm like I, I love the smell, I can't get enough of it. I took a nug of it. I used to work at Montana's at the time in Windsor like I was a bartender there and I like put a nug in my pocket and I walked around all day just like patting myself on the test, just to like.

Speaker 1:

I know for sure. I used to work in restaurants and have weed. And that's always the funniest when you get sweaty and you have weed in your pocket.

Speaker 3:

You know, around people like where the whole?

Speaker 1:

dining room just reeks over the vast.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no one ever said anything, though, so they liked me.

Speaker 2:

But nice, did you grow up in Windsor or just go to school there? I just went to school there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I actually started at Ryerson. I was doing a computer and electrical engineering and then kind of felt the urge to just kind of get out of the city. Yeah, at Ryerson they wouldn't let us live on res because I grew up in Mississauga and you would live too close so you had to be like 75 kilometers away to qualify for student residence. So I had a buddy in Windsor who played for the Lancers hockey team, okay, and him and his roommates like they might. His dad owned a house, so I went down, move down there and, yeah, I took a math degree. So Cool man it's fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I went to Ryerson, just a random connection.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you went Ryerson.

Speaker 2:

I go to Windsor all the time.

Speaker 3:

I went through. Yeah sick. Yeah, ryerson was sweet.

Speaker 1:

I do a great time, don't forget to crack a ice-cold, sheesh, next time You're hanging out with some buddies and friends amazing. I was a really good combo with the a salty pepperoni pizza slice. I'm gonna throw that recommendation in there, matt. We're gonna try some of this. Burn, scotty. We'll be right back with Billy.

Speaker 2:

We are back. We're back with Billy baby back of the shop. Legalization day, your five, your five years. How is the burn? Scotty boy, this felt great super smooth.

Speaker 1:

Crispy smoke was a nice roll too. I gotta say Billy's those pre-roll is great.

Speaker 3:

It's funny, I actually um I'm. Everybody laughs at me when I roll my joints because when I was a kid, my parents, we went to Dominican Republic one year and we went to a cigar factory, and so they, at the scar factory, they taught us how to roll cigars and that's your style, that's my style. Cigar I was like I make it and then I like finish it on the table. Yeah, and.

Speaker 3:

When we were younger, like nobody else, nobody knew, nobody knew how to roll right, and I was like I learned. Like Don't, I will.

Speaker 2:

I got you and you can roll like a giant split yeah yeah, for sure. But I like that size.

Speaker 1:

I was commenting that yeah, the jealousy really came through for me. I thought it was a really nice, really nice smoke man. Yeah, yeah, really good work, I appreciate it. And not to knock the animal face at all, because obviously I know that Carmill is known for that and it's like that. But again, that see junkie, it's another see junkie.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so like I mean, like the see junkie packs, they were that we popped and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so they're ones that I was talking about my mustache. Yeah, I think it's gonna do really well. I'm super excited to see it. We definitely gonna carry to cosmic Charlie's look over the new Billy's Fino Thanks. We're gonna talk about what was the process like opening a micro. Oh man, it's a lot of work, vigorous.

Speaker 3:

It's vigorous, for sure. It's been in planning probably for like two and a half years Wow. I'm starting to finish from start to finish, like from the time that, like, we started talking about it to the time that, like you know, the unit became available, which was January 2022. Okay, and then we started building March got the actual building permit, august, and then from August until March 31st the following year that's when I got my health Canada license oh my God pass all the rentations and then even after that, it was like there was still building to do.

Speaker 3:

So, like, carmel was really generous with me and supported of me doing this, so they let me keep my job and also have time to work at the other facility. So the best part about it was that you know the floors, the HVAC and the walls like I can't do myself Everything else I installed with my father-in-law, really, and my buddy, andrew. Yeah, yeah, yeah, street boots strategy there. Yeah, my father-in-law he's like a sheet metal worker and he pretty much knows how to do everything, so he wasn't working at the time and he was so willing to help and, like we literally did everything from like hung all the Unistrat and then hung everything on top of that. So all the fans, the lights, the dehumidifiers, we built all the irrigation.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, just a funny parallel, because Sean's father-in-law kind of helped us paint and build this place out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's really true. That's where they got the street, for sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like it was like months, Like we did this for like every day except for Wednesdays. I was up at Carmel for three months straight. It was just like Grinding it One day, you know we were.

Speaker 1:

It's stressful, though, right man, I'm sure you had sleepless nights.

Speaker 3:

No, I thought it was really fun. I love it, and the best part about it was like, since I put everything together, now if anything breaks I know how to fix it minus, like electrical things, like stuff like that. But if any of my irrigation goes like, I put every single piece of that together on my own, from like the point where the water comes out of the wall until it goes into the plant, and it's pretty sophisticated and like self-sufficient, like it just goes on its own. I just like top up the nutrient concentrate, like concentrate buckets, once every like week or two and set my programs on the computer and there she goes, silly spec. That's fucking sweet. Yeah, it's. It's pretty cool how automated things are these days. It makes my life a lot easier and then puts everything into like nice charts for me.

Speaker 2:

So do you have a similar automation with your setup? As like, true and you guys have it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's similar but different.

Speaker 3:

So like we use the same sensors to monitor like substrate EC, water content, temperature, like in the rooms, and then I don't need like a really complex system like they have at Carmel, because Carmel is a greenhouse and there's just like so many moving parts.

Speaker 3:

So like if I set my EC to a temperature, like I can set a program and like chances are I'm not going to change that for like a few weeks. So I don't need the ability to go on my phone and like change the temperature up or down or the humidity up or down, because, like you know, it does change throughout the cycle of the plant. But it's like usually two or three weeks like it's at one setting and then two or three weeks at another. So I just go in and change it that way. But the irrigation I can control from anywhere from my computer, from my phone, and it's important because like that's what's keeping the plant alive. Like if the lights go out for an hour, you know, or two or 10, it's like the plants are fine, but if it goes a day without water then they're toast.

Speaker 2:

So those little babies need lots of love. Man, it shows in the plant. I'll hop the smoke in. I'm going to pinch a nug.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have to. I'm super impressed, man, like building your own micro is no easy feat, and even more so now that I know you did like really just you and your father-in-law, and yeah, that's really cool.

Speaker 3:

My money, andrew, and yeah, we build the batches.

Speaker 1:

We? Yeah, man, I have to come check it out. I hear you You're like I know what I fucking made, that I did that, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Any moments going through the process, like through application, you had mentioned what it was like 150 pages of work, yeah and you were just like why am I doing this?

Speaker 3:

No, it was just like it was like I was back in university again, right, but like the crazy thing is like they expect you to submit these things but there's not like a true guideline of it, just says like it must include all these things, but then it's not like an outline. It's not like you're filling out an application. It's like they ask you a question, you answer. It's literally like you're creating these reports that are, you know, good production practices, subjective to you.

Speaker 2:

your style yeah exactly 100%.

Speaker 3:

So I was really fortunate that I had people that I could ask questions, and they were really helpful along the way. And then one of my buddies had recently submitted a micro application ventries and he helped me a lot with my paper application.

Speaker 1:

So use your resources, man? Yeah, 100%, all of you know. I totally think that that's important and I think also I don't know I'm always trying to pick up new skills and stuff. I'm trying stuff, you know.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, the worst part actually was like we had pretty much went through the whole application process the city no problems. Help Canada no problems. Built the thing no problems. Turn the lights on, grow the plants out and then put the plants into the flower room and they just weren't going into flower and I was like it's brand new room, right.

Speaker 1:

Oh no.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I. For like two, three weeks we couldn't figure out what was going on. Every day I came in and I'm like they're not stretching, they're not flowering, that's trippy. I was very stressful and then I found out that one of the heaters that was in the room, I guess, was leaking gas.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that gas was preventing them from growing and was stressing them out too hard. So the first room you lost it Like natural gas.

Speaker 1:

We're saying, yeah, natural gas, propane or whatever you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, natural gas. Like the gas guy had come in and set it up and it wasn't even his fault, it was the manufacturer of the heater.

Speaker 1:

The regulator or something like that.

Speaker 3:

So I contacted them and they they, you know, credit it me for it. But they'll suck, I'll tell you, for a room of plants, dude, it was crazy because we had vaged them out, everything was fine, brought them into this room and then they just wouldn't grow and it's like six weeks of wasted time. That's a really weird story, so like the first batch of burn Scotty is actually burn Scotty number two.

Speaker 1:

Well, what's funny about that is the gas is like a good smell, so it's like you're in the room with all the fucking plants. It's most gas. It was great man, it's like the egg.

Speaker 3:

That was going to say I was subjected to carbon monoxide. Yeah, but it might have been like I don't even know.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying it would be hard to detect.

Speaker 3:

Maybe right Cause you got like all the weed aroma and then you add the little bit of gas and maybe you think that's yeah. So, even though like it's all closed up, I actually went outside and turned the gas line off right now, because we're not using gas for anything. It's all electricity and I'm like, just in case, yeah that nightmares for a while, for that. But yeah, it was all good. It was like a lesson learned and I could have probably flared it out and I was just like you know, the first one doesn't.

Speaker 2:

Does that always work? Out, right yeah?

Speaker 3:

And I didn't want the first one to be like mediocre either.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, man, thanks for having a high standard and shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's why I do it right Like the point of growing weed is, so you can grow whatever you want and you grow it to the best of your ability, and hopefully you're growing it better than like somebody else that was growing it for you before.

Speaker 3:

I mean because like when you're buying weed, especially like we were back in the day when you, you know, you don't know who you're getting it from. Um, I mean, you know the person that you're getting it from, but you don't know, like, where it comes from. And you know, like like we were saying before, you're just like searching for the best.

Speaker 1:

And try and provide the best for everyone else. Man, that's what I was a call I'm curious about that too.

Speaker 2:

How do you feel about like having your name slapped on a bag Cause like?

Speaker 3:

um, it was interesting, like when they first brought it up, um, but at the end of the day, like they're promoting me, and you know what I mean. Like we, we help each other out. Like I know they use the like Drew's and I's story um for the brand and like that's really what it is. You know what I mean. Like when we showed up at Carmel, there was five of us and it was like rowey Dustin, the two owners, me, drew and Sean and Sean's Drew's brother, and that facility is massive. There's like over a hundred people there every single day now, but for months there was literally just the five of us. Wow, and like we didn't know what we were doing. Like we had all grown weed before, but like not on that kind of scale and and not with like all the health Canada regulations, so like every day, you know, for the first year or two we were just like learning right, and especially in a greenhouse, like Drew said.

Speaker 3:

Drew said it on here before. It's like growing in a greenhouses, like expert level. So like imagine starting like your first giant scale production on expert level and you're just like not only are you dealing with the plants, you're dealing with the climate, you're dealing with, like, everything that comes along with that.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious are there any like weird you're just speaking about regulations and little like I don't know, nick, picky things there ever any like little things that actually come up and you're like, ah shit, we can't do that? Or they come in and they're like, oh fucking, you know, I don't know, change that, you can't do that shit.

Speaker 3:

So the only people that have actually been to my facility before is CRA a couple of times and they were just for like they didn't expect an inspection, and then came for some training.

Speaker 1:

With revenue people Again the revenue, yeah, yeah, yeah two times, that's weird Two times.

Speaker 2:

I think it's. Follow the money, baby.

Speaker 3:

I think it's normal now they just because I don't know how it works for you guys. But every month I have to do like a CRA, monthly like inventory report. Interesting Of all my plants, all my seeds, all my finished product. What wait like?

Speaker 1:

We're worried you guys are funding terrorists. I guess I don't know, I'm just joking I think they're more soldiers or washing money or whatever.

Speaker 3:

I think they came just to help me fill it out so that I don't have any issues going forward. You know what I mean. They're just there to help and they've been great, like the two people that have come to help me were awesome. But, like, as far as do I see things that I'm like, yeah, that sucks A lot of. It is, you know, having the ability to consume your own product Right, which is unfortunate, like a lot of the employees at work, like they spend all day in the grow rooms, grow on the product and you can't just give them a bud.

Speaker 1:

They come at the end of the week and it kind of sucks.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, unless it came from my house or something like that.

Speaker 1:

It's just yeah, so that's a weird one man, and then they can't buy it also for like a discount or something like that.

Speaker 3:

Right, right, like you think we could just like have a little store at the, at the work, where you could go and Just sell a little.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that might happen eventually. Yeah, there's a micro.

Speaker 3:

And I think that there's probably ways to do that, like I think our QAP she's looking into, maybe like a research license so that we could do research.

Speaker 2:

We've seen more LPs starting to do some type of sampling program where they which is great.

Speaker 1:

Thank God that's something we can talk about. Legalization Like I can't believe we went all those years, or it was like I couldn't even try something before we, like bought boxes of it.

Speaker 3:

I know it's crazy, it still happens. Yeah, yeah, I missed a good old, like days when it was just jars. Yeah, stick your nose in the fucking zip lock. You know it is like you got a zip lock and you're like this good, this good.

Speaker 1:

And then you just fall. And then you just fall your nose right.

Speaker 3:

As long as it looks good and it smells good, it's like this is the one.

Speaker 1:

And then you have to sit there and burn it, tested with all your home weeks. Now I just broke up a little more briskotty, so I'm going to roll it up for the second stop break here.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You usually roll the Ls. Yeah, I don't know, I'm funny like that, I do. I call it a sailboat.

Speaker 3:

Nice. I used to be an L guy back in the day.

Speaker 1:

I guess only when I have the single wides. True, when I have the single wides and it's kind of like a makeshift king size, and then I do like the cone.

Speaker 3:

I do the opposite of you, so I use element papers and I use raw the pre-rolled tips.

Speaker 1:

There you go. Oh, pre-rolled. Yeah, I noticed that I like a pre-rolled.

Speaker 3:

The tips are nice. You got like 200 in a bag. So I have this like signature Christmas cone, like it's just giant bat head style Nice, I would say that See my buddy, mike, and back in my Ryerson days when we were in engineering, he would always tease people when they rolled like fat ends because he's like the surface area is burning. You burn, yeah, yeah, and you're just like you're just wasting so much weed you got to like a.

Speaker 2:

I can make Sean just likes it, because he gets the first giant halls and just pops it and then pass off the rest.

Speaker 1:

But I don't know, I just always have rolled like that. I don't know, that's a funny one. I guess I could modify only when I have the single wides, if I had to.

Speaker 2:

Do you? No, I'm not criticizing, it's your cone. I like them yeah.

Speaker 1:

We'll see what we got going on here.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What was I going to say? Oh yes, our showrunner wants you to give a little scribble on your car. Oh right, I mean mugging there. Is that just like a candid? So, honestly, yeah, I think so. I was like, and you were like fuck you know what it was Like.

Speaker 3:

It was like it reminded me of my wedding day, where, like, the photographer came and they took like a hundred photos and then then at the end you're just like Sick of it. You're not interested in smiling anymore.

Speaker 2:

We got to sign it, buddy, you were the first one, oh man, 100%.

Speaker 3:

I wonder if they make orange sharpies, because if they do, I need to find one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know where that's going to go. You got to do it right over your face, I guess.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's unfortunate.

Speaker 1:

I guess you can't tell us too much, because they're like burn Scotty's first. You got anything else in the works or you got to keep it top secret.

Speaker 3:

No, I think it's fine. I loaded my bedroom with the next strain, so it's. Moonbow Archive, seed Bank. It's Dosey Dose Cross the Skittles.

Speaker 1:

Interesting, okay, I love Skittles.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love Skittles Cross too. I like a lot of Skittles Crosses, so Dosey Dose is heavy and Skittles is terpy.

Speaker 1:

Interesting, it should be heavy.

Speaker 3:

It's got a unique runcy, but not runcy. Like you know, the first time you smoke runce you're like, oh, this is a new taste. I love runce.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love runce too.

Speaker 1:

I love runce, yeah, but everybody has runce, and I was like okay, so I can't do runce.

Speaker 3:

But then I smoke this one and I'm like this is like runce, but it's different. You know what I mean? It's not purple, it doesn't taste like runce, but when you smoke it it's like it's got that Skittles mix with something like the runcy kind of vibe, but it's different, it's the Moonbow.

Speaker 2:

So the Moonbow, I like the name, I'm curious. Obviously you have your own palette and like come up and you're like crossing and popping seeds all the time, I'm sure, but like do you ever try other bags?

Speaker 3:

and you're kind of like, oh interesting, yeah for sure, I not as much like on the legal market, but I have a couple of friends that are still like buddies from like back in the day and whenever they get like really good packs they'll, like you know, save a little bit. And my one buddy, chris, comes over like once a month and he'll bring you know his like top five strains from like the last month and we'll break him up, yeah, a little sampling Exactly.

Speaker 3:

So it's always like good to see kind of what else other people are growing too, but I think it's important.

Speaker 1:

man, I think that's really cool that you do that. You still have that connection. I feel like I kind of lost that recently and I don't know.

Speaker 3:

It's just nice to see what's going on there's I mean there's buddies that are like way out of town that I miss, that I haven't seen in forever. They would be great to see. But Chris is really good at keeping in touch and I got a couple other buddies you know that I worked with for like a decade and I get to see, you know on a daily basis.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, homies. Well, just see what's relevant in the market and what people are like. What exactly is going on?

Speaker 3:

So I got a massive Fino hunt that I'm cutting down. My next harvest is Thursday, so two days from today, and there's 18 Finos. Three of them are the Moombos, so there's, I guess, 15 different strains in there. Cool, and then that's gonna. We're gonna figure out from there what's gonna go into the next one. So they, you know, they've already been pre-selected before I bought them in because they were part of my initial declaration and so like those 15 came from like, say, like a hundred before, kind of thing, and yeah, so it'll be cool. I think I'm leaning towards the Zope as it looks. And then there's like this RS-54, studio 54. I got like a really nice OG in there. Oh, gee.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Please do. The G 15 is the cap. Sorry to start running back there. That's the amount you can declare, oh no, no, no, like it was unlimited.

Speaker 3:

Just 15 is like how many? Because, like, whenever I'm doing a phenohon, I'm taking plants out of, like, my production.

Speaker 3:

So, like I have 36 lights in my room and like, so I'm dedicating like one to two lights per run for fun, basically Like, and I'm not getting money for that. So like, I understand, and I'm also trying to like repay data at this time. So try not to like have too much fun, but you want to have fun, right, of course? Yeah, so I'm excited to get those down and dry them up and see how they smell and send them for tests and you know I can send you guys some if you want to try it, because there's going to be more than I can use, I feel so fucking black.

Speaker 1:

This is so great about having this podcast, Charlie. You got to end your tea break, man, because this one smoke can always dope ass weed without you.

Speaker 3:

Well you can still judge. Yeah, I mean, like you don't have to smoke.

Speaker 2:

No, it sticks his nose in it.

Speaker 3:

He loves it as long as he knows like what good weed is supposed to look and smell like and like you can do like dry toks and stuff like that, then he knows, that's right yeah. If you smoke? Are you just like on a fast, or?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would say that I'm like on a I don't know indefinite rake right now.

Speaker 1:

I guess, yeah, we don't really know True, I'm giving them the dry pole now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a lot of good.

Speaker 1:

Tastes great. I'm a nice big cone, right. Yeah, you can really get the flavor. There's like some baking spice in there. I really get the jealousy. I think that's what I meant with the gelato.

Speaker 3:

No, it's in spice, it's funny because when the bud tenders used to always come up to Carmella and they'd be like what's your favorite herb? And I was like I don't even know. I really never knew what the Terps were Like. You know what I mean. Like back in the day you just get a bag and you're like I like that smell.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what terpene is, but yeah.

Speaker 3:

So, like I mean, as a bud tender, you're seeing all the Terps on the bags and you know they're learning a lot more on like the terminology than I am, because I'm just going off of feel right and I'm like these are the strains that I like and so, like I was like I Googled some of the strains just because I'd been asked a couple of times and I'm like, oh, I think I like beta cariofilane because like that seems to be the one that keeps coming up. And then funny thing is like I grew this one out and I didn't even test the Terps until after I did a full production run, like I had done like a potency test on it before, so I knew the potency was going to be good. But the terpene tests, like I didn't know until after the fact, and number one was limonene, then beta cariofilane, then mercy, but mercy I'm pretty sure like we're a little stone right now, but I'm pretty sure those were the top three.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm still like it's got some like floral nest too. Yeah, so that beta cariofilane.

Speaker 3:

I guess I was wasn't lying when I said that was the one I liked.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man. No, it's fucking delicious. Thanks for being on the podcast. Let's go smoke a little more weed. We'll be right back with Billy from Carmel. You'd follow at higher orbit, follow at Cosmic Charlie's shop. We'll be right back with Billy. We're back. We're back. Shop's closed. Yeah, I'm going to have a second shish cola. Do it now.

Speaker 2:

You should give. Do you want to try a little bit, Like a sip and a cup?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that sounds good. Yeah, for sure what's the flavor Cherry cola, oh cherry cola.

Speaker 1:

And it's just solving this hash rosin Dope. Yeah, it's not distillate, that's all good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's pretty cool, I think there's one hanging there Banana emulsify rosin Awesome, which I'm starting to be skeptical of all I hear you chem dog live rosin products.

Speaker 3:

But not shish. To be honest, when all the gray market dispensaries open back in the day and Bellwoods opened, I went there Like day one. I think it was the first customer to ever go inside and my Give it to Billy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was just going to get him a cup, but yeah, sorry. Yes, Gray market here.

Speaker 3:

No, it's OK. My buddy Mark, he had all the different edibles and stuff like that, and so I bought a bunch of different candies, pops, whatever.

Speaker 1:

You ever talk with edibles?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I take one every night.

Speaker 1:

OK, but just small one. I don't go by the FED.

Speaker 3:

Like a 2 and 1 half or a five A micro so.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, whatever you want to do, brother, we're going to send you home. You're off of it, I won't.

Speaker 1:

We're sending you back with a mug, doesn't matter, a mug too.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But yeah, no, I take a small edible every night before I go to bed. It just kind of Takes the edge off and you know not enough that I wake up groggy. I find with me and edibles I don't have like a super high tolerance. I'm the same way, dude if I have more than 10 like I definitely sluggish at the next morning If a certain amount of time hasn't passed by.

Speaker 1:

So interesting how that is this, everyone's different for me it's about 25 milligrams.

Speaker 3:

anything over that, I'm like, and then I have somebody, as they can eat like a hundred right, no problem.

Speaker 2:

Some people can eat like hundreds.

Speaker 3:

It does zero yeah like when we used to get those, those edibles from Bellwood's audience a thousand milligrams yeah they had like 300 milligram cookies him.

Speaker 1:

He eats a thousand Todd from Rosen heads. We had one and he goes. He, that's like he goes he goes that's toast me there minimum he eats a thousand. I think one of my buddies it was.

Speaker 3:

He said there was an offer a thousand milligrams for a thousand bucks.

Speaker 2:

If you can, if you can eat it, yeah, and he was asking me he's like, should I do it?

Speaker 3:

and I was like I wouldn't do it.

Speaker 2:

You got a knot green out and not pass out. I guess.

Speaker 3:

I don't think it matters what happens after. You just have to for me.

Speaker 1:

I think at that point I was not like you're having fun because as you go to sleep and then you wake up and you're still so stoned yeah, you know what I mean. That experience is never enjoyable my buddy Dan.

Speaker 3:

It's happened to a couple times where like he just ate way too much, like in the hundreds, and then he know ends up on somebody's couch and like he's like the guy on the couch for like the whole weekend.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm the coach class. Don't be that guy, I'm not into it.

Speaker 2:

So what? We talked a lot about your whole process, growing what. Hopefully you can give Sean some pointers on our yeah for sure I actually.

Speaker 3:

I have a harvest on Thursday next, this Thursday two days so we're talking outside when we were smoking about Like finishing flower and like what we're looking for yeah, yeah, when do you?

Speaker 1:

when do you know? I want to pull them and stuff, and what's your technique on that?

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean for Because I'm growing so many different strains and like you're really only getting a karma. We've been growing animal face for so long. It's just like we're on probably like 150 to 200.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's great, it's a beautiful plant like.

Speaker 3:

But now with Billy's vino we're trying to bring more flavors to the market. So like you know two rooms and then I'm switching to something else. So I only get you know one, two opportunities with the strain To really like dial it in and then on to the next one. So like you kind of have to be on the ball the.

Speaker 3:

The thing that I'm doing to kind of cheat and help myself out is, before I Grow a full room of it, usually I start with one plant and if that one's good, in the next room I'll make sure to like bring in like three so I can just see like a bigger Representation. And then that way I kind of had two runs of it growing with something else so that I can see in Contrast to what I'm growing right now, like does it need to go longer? Doesn't need to go less? Does it? Can it handle the amount of light that I'm giving? Can it handle the amount of food that I'm giving? Doesn't need, you know, less food than the burns got you, more food than the burns got you whatever.

Speaker 3:

So I did learn like that I haven't grown a full room of mumbo out yet, but I know that you know it's finished faster. It can definitely handle the light and it likes the food and you know I'm gonna save about a week of flower time and that one. But like you know I'm, I'm, I'm watching the bud change and like kind of like tighten up. You know the hairs start to turn, turn dark. You don't want them to turn too much to the point where, like, your trichromes start to get like. It depends on really what you're looking for if you like a really like sedative, like stony kind of high.

Speaker 3:

You can wait for everything to like turn amber, but like your peak potency starts to go down at that point too the head starts to degrade, so to speak, um. I think it's just like, for whatever reason, like peak potency, happens when, like all the trichrome heads, are my age.

Speaker 2:

See though milky.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's the highest he see. But you know it depends on what you're looking for. And if you're in this game, you got to play the game and you're trying to, you're trying to hit it at a high. So you know, as long as, like, it's finished at that point and and you know the smell is on point, then yeah, well, we'll chop it down and it's pretty small operation. I mean, we're putting out a large amount of product for the size of space, for sure, but everything is done with me and and one other buddy, and you know we're there every day from, you know, nine to four plug-and-leaves scrubbing floors, mop and cleaning tables. We're just janitors, you know. They get to look at beautiful plants all day, pretty much, and listen to podcasts and then, yeah, for our harvest, like we got three people helping and they're just friends that are gonna come and help and you were saying, man, is it like a lot different in your facility compared to Carmel?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because the amount of people. I mean the size and how much like more weight we're putting in like a smaller space. So like my output it would. It's almost like three times the dry weight that we're doing like per square foot at Carmel but obviously, like my room is way smaller, it's a third of the size, more control more.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and just like bigger solid plants, there's a difference between growing like indoor and greenhouse and and just is different genetics.

Speaker 3:

On top of that course, and you know I'm just using like everything that I've ever learned and because I'm doing all the labor and you know I'm technically not paying for my own time, I can put in more time than I.

Speaker 3:

You know, necessarily, like the employees, you know we might not want want to pay for them to go through and do like a full-eathered D-leaf, nor that they have time, and it gets like really sticky at the end. So like we do a day 21 D-leaf at Carmel, but I also do a day 42 D-leaf and then sometimes I'll do a day 50, 60 leaf, yeah, so that like by the time we're harvesting, like the only but leaves left are at the top and it's just like allowing the light to get all the way through the canopy. So you're getting like consistent color. You're getting consistent like try ground production all the way through, because like you don't want to end up with the situation where, like All your buds on the top half of the canopy are purple because they're getting like nice light and all the buds at the bottom are green and then you put them in a bag and it looks like a bowl of fruit loops. I yeah.

Speaker 2:

I've seen that before.

Speaker 3:

For sure that makes sense to me, so like I mean at Carmel, like we do a lot of labor, like there's a lot of labor, but like there is also like a limit to like how much those guys can do in a day, got it, and yeah. So, since it's my place and I only have two rooms instead of eight rooms, so you have your own system going, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 3:

And it's just like, okay, we got nothing to do today. So like, yeah, we're going to go and pluck leaves again. And it's just like, you know, put your sleeves on, we wear like those basketball sleeves that go like up to here, otherwise you'd be covered in resin and you're like get itchy and hives and stuff like that, right.

Speaker 1:

That makes sense yeah.

Speaker 3:

So it's just like you know scrubbed sleeves, gloves, their pods in, watch on get going Clock in there, sunglasses, sunglasses right, yeah, so it's such a meticulous process and different from strain to strain.

Speaker 2:

Do you have like a master, like Billy's Bible, where you maintain these notes and be like, oh, I want to grow like white shark again. Let me look back.

Speaker 3:

I should, I should. It's just all up here. It's all up here, man yeah.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's a massive math degree.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, honestly, and like working at that bar for so long, because, like you know, you're just remembering like people's orders and stuff like that I think that was really helpful for my memory. I never wrote anything down and it was just like you go to a table and you associate like faces with you know what they might have said, and go back to the computer and put it all in. Maybe I always had a good memory, but I'm sure I'm forgetting things. So like I should in the future start writing these things down. And a really cool part of the software Aroya that we use is there is notes that you can put in and it saves all of my harvest. So like if I wanted to put notes I could and it would just be like one. At some point in the future when I have more time I will do it, but right now it's. You know, like I said, I'm just curious I'm doing everything I should I should.

Speaker 1:

I should 100% Billy's Bible. I like it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, like as you get older, your memory starts to go, so it starts to go, you might want to bust out at an old strain and you might like come back to him and go.

Speaker 2:

go, wait, I do this, Was it just?

Speaker 3:

strange. The thing is like it's not like when you're growing something, it's not like a day, so it's hard to forget. When Drew was on here, he's like um, billy brought like 30 bags of work and like didn't write names and knows what every single thing is. And it's because, like I literally spent. Those came from my basement. I spent every morning and every night hand watering for like 10 weeks, so like I stared at those plants two times a day for 70 days, so like I know, every single one what they look like.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't you know? That's not hard when you stare at them for so long.

Speaker 1:

So I heard that. I heard they're like yeah, he doesn't even label them, he just comes in with all these bags. Yeah, that's the burn. Well, that way. I can just that says you're a lot gentler, If I want to reuse the bag after.

Speaker 3:

I don't have to, like, scribble up the name but it's just like yeah, I stared at you for so long. I know exactly what you are because I dreamed about smoking you and I've been smelling that smell you know for for two months, waiting for this day. I know exactly. They're like my children.

Speaker 1:

What's your like favorite stringer all time? If you had to pick one, I guess I'm going to hit you with that one.

Speaker 3:

It's a fun question yeah, I think there was. I don't even know if it was real, because back in the day you would get a bag and I had a name and like do we know that that's really what it was? But like do we know that it is? This is what it says it is. It was a cherry pie.

Speaker 1:

Fair enough. Somebody labeled it cherry pie, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I have a cherry pie now that is supposed to be like the original and it probably is. It's just a little bit different than the one that I remember and then also Girl's Go Cookies.

Speaker 3:

Girl's Go Cookies, man but there was like so many different cuts going around at the back back in the day. There was like the one that circulated Canada. There was kind of like lime green and sweet. And then there was like the, you know like the form cutter, like the, the gassy, like cookie dank type one from the US, and I had the Canadian one first and I really liked that, and then I had the, the, the US version, and then that one was like next level.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember I had a thin mint Girl's Go Cookies. I'm talking about Girl's Go. I don't know if you remember that cook.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, for sure yeah.

Speaker 1:

Lime green, remember that must have been something crossed with some sort of mint, but it was like sorry, I think that that was just like in the US the Girl's Go Cookies, like there is an actual one called Thin Mint Cookies. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And it was just. I think what like probably happened was somebody created, you know, intentionally or unintentionally, the the strain Girl's Go Cookies. Yeah, they grew it out and it was fire, but like they were getting like Hermes and stuff like that and other people like grabbed it and found bag seeds and then they popped it and then they're like oh, this is the Thin Mint cut, this is my cut, you know what I mean? Cause it's like a different Fino of the original one. Cause like a bag seeds, like very similar to the original but slightly different. It'd be like you're inbred with yourself and then like whatever comes out of that, Right, especially if it's a Hermes seed.

Speaker 1:

I never really thought about that. They all would be, if they're from bag seeds, if you had to mate it through.

Speaker 3:

More than likely people are like monocropping a room, because you know what I mean, they don't have males in there. But I think that those cookie genetics were known to Hermes. So crazy. Yeah, and then that's where all the cuts, that's where all the different OGs and pinks and stuff like that. You know they probably all came from like one original lineage and you know bag seeds and some are crosses, but a lot of bag seeds. So I used to keep a lot of bag seeds back in the day and then yeah, I'm curious.

Speaker 2:

So now you have the micro license, yeah, I mean you have to give up the ACMPR. Do you have anything like you're growing on the side?

Speaker 3:

The funny thing is they renewed my ACMPR and my micro license on the same day. I don't think that I would have to give it up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was just curious. I don't know. They're weird sticklers about things like that.

Speaker 3:

Honestly, it's very small Now. I've actually downsized it recently. It's just because I have so many plants that I have to take care of, and then when I get home, it's just like I just, you know, I keep my genetic library alive and yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that's dope man, no I. It's been really nice getting to know you and like hear how passionate you are, and I'm really excited to see Billy's Fino actually be grown by Billy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, I appreciate it. Me too. That was like that was the dream, you know what I mean. A couple of years ago, I found out that this Fino series was being created and we were going to, you know, find growers to fill the bags. And first I told Drew and I was like, man, this is what I want to do. And he's like go for it. And you know he's very helpful anytime I had questions. And then, you know, I brought it to the boss, to rowy, and I said the same thing and I'm like you know, this is really what I, what I want. And he's like that's awesome, I want you to do that too, but like I don't want you to leave, so can you figure out a way to do both? That's pretty sick man. Yeah, so we're doing both.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it will be like the first, I guess. Yeah, indoor fully hydroponic flower release under Carmell to the. You guys agree, yep, so that's fucking really exciting.

Speaker 3:

For sure, and it's only going to get better.

Speaker 1:

So it's like the evolution of Carmell.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, For sure. And now, if they, you know decide to open an indoor facility, we got somebody with a lot of experience. So well, not time yet, but I'm learning.

Speaker 1:

Wait, you're firing it up, man.

Speaker 3:

That's the best part is every day you get to learn something new. Right, like you think you know everything. I mean you know you don't know everything, but it's just humbling experience.

Speaker 2:

I can only imagine man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, it's fun, it's great. It's just like every day you see something and you're like, okay, next time I'm going to do this like I can do this a little better, that a little bit better.

Speaker 1:

Just dial that and you're just like always, chasing perfection. Yeah, I'm super excited to see the next round of the Verne Scotty, because then you're going to make it even better. So, exciting dude. Can we call the Sheesh hot one? Did you try the Sheesh yet?

Speaker 3:

I had a sip, but I'll have another. What do?

Speaker 1:

you think Thoughts. I thought it's pretty, it's pretty darn good, it's very tasty. Yeah right, it's not too bubbly. Not too bubbly, no.

Speaker 2:

Got a very like natural kind of 100%.

Speaker 3:

You know, yeah, cherry cola. You see, I always have that little edible before bed.

Speaker 1:

So there you go. Yeah, it's perfect, you can drive you home 100%.

Speaker 3:

Tomorrow I'm at the farm up at Carmel, so it's a 7am leave the house kind of drive 100 kilometers up north kind of day.

Speaker 1:

That's a big day, man.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Used to do it every day but now it's just one day. Is it always every Wednesday that I was with you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Thanks for calling the Sheesh hotline. Are you stoned? Press Miro and tell us about it. Matter of fact, tell us whatever. Just hash it out. You might end up on our Instagram. Sheesh. Leave a message at the tone.

Speaker 3:

Hey guys, we're just here, billy from Carmel, we're just enjoying our Sheesh hot soda. Delicious beverage yeah, black cherry hash cola delicious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what do you think you like it, billy? Billy approved.

Speaker 3:

Definitely Billy approved. It's tasty. Oh, we're just here for a stamp.

Speaker 2:

It's approved by us too, buddy you know what?

Speaker 3:

I listened to all your episodes because, like I'm working at the time so I never seen it, but I heard the stamp go down.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Drew's like yo, that's a legit stamp. So like in my head, I have this picture of like what the stamp.

Speaker 1:

We're going to stamp your bag. We'll stamp your bag on the way out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Very good.

Speaker 1:

Don't forget to follow Billy Billy Inc.

Speaker 3:

Billy's. So Billy's is the name of my, my girl, I wasn't sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wasn't sure exactly Website still under construction. I was here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I haven't got that far yet. I'm not sure if it's because of the room fucking leaves, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But totally yeah, we need some Billy Burch. We're going to get back to you. Yeah, 100% higher orbit times. Billy Inc Rich yeah. Um they shared on the show Share, follow like the podcast.

Speaker 2:

Um thanks and buy some Bruce Scotty.

Speaker 1:

It's coming out next week and there'll be a cosmic Charlie's all over Ontario.

Speaker 3:

And you guys are going to come check out my face.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and we're coming to check out the facility. Yeah, a thousand percent.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't make me Thanks so much too. Thank you I appreciate it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Five million yeah 10 days to include. All systems function normally.

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